Chapter Nine

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I had been on the roof of the nightclub all day since leaving the dorm on the morning.

Stupidly, I didn't bring my phone with me either, so I wasn't able to tell Elle anything about when I would be back. I could only hope she wasn't worrying herself, she seemed to be the kind. Yesterday she showed a lot of concern and was incredibly nice (ignoring the borderline vandalism), I doubted that it was suddenly suppressed.

At some point, I did leave in an attempt to buy some food to keep me going, yet the only thing I found was candy and soda. That's what I managed to keep myself going with for the entire day.

With Landon next to me, I was so much happier. No longer hung up on the stress of the recent days. It was overwhelming to say the least.

I didn't expect him to come back and felt a small fuzziness inside when he did. My plan was to turn the spot into my calm place considering it was the only time I found comfort in something since moving to Northlyn. Taking into account the events that went down kind of proved my point as to how it hadn't been the best.

When he sat down beside me, I immediately recognised the same cologne he was wearing from our first meeting. It was incredibly enticing. One time I tried to convince Liam to use something similar that and he flat out refused.

The smell alone gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach and I was getting used to it. Oddly, I kind of liked the unfamiliar, new sense that it gave me.

"Why are you so quiet this time around?" He asked, nudging my slightly. I hadn't said anything for a couple of minutes.

"I'd like to introduce you to sober me." I joked.

The truth was, I was embarrassed. I had opened up to him so much in one night than I had to anyone ever before. It shocked me to be so totally honest, I couldn't have expected it. That was something Mom taught me – never get too close too quickly. If you tell people who you don't fully trust things about you, they're inevitably going to use it as a weapon.

At first, I thought to blame the influence running through my veins, but seeing him and being around him again, I knew it was from the warm aura he had around him. It was a weird feeling, a good weird.

"Somehow, Coco, I don't believe you."

And Coco, it made me feel special. Of course, it was unnecessary, though nobody had ever given me a nickname before, so it made me a little giddy. It wasn't one I ever would've come up with either.

I finally locked eyes with him and frowned slightly at the attitude in my tone. "It's a shame I can't change your beliefs."

Without giving him time to give a response, I apologised immediately.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to put you off, I'm just a little awkward about my behaviour. I'm not usually like that. Ever."

"Put me off from what?" His face was questioning and confused.

I didn't want to put him off from me. I enjoyed his company both time I had seen him. Plus, I could do with making a couple of extra friends. I could do with any I could get.

Shaking my head, I avoided answering and he nodded slightly, almost as if he was showing his understanding. His ocean eyes presented the complete opposite. Undeniably perplexed.

Coincidentally, his eyes matched his name. Rivers. They reminded me of forbidden waters I so desperately wanted to explore more, no matter the consequences. I knew my curiosity would get the best of me.

Get out of your head, Cassidy.

"You don't have to be ashamed. You did nothing wrong." He still focused intently on me and I was looking everywhere but the cursed blue.

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