Chapter Ten

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Cassie was leaning her head against the window after asking me an array of different questions about where we could possibly be going. I knew exactly where to take her, but decided on keeping it to myself until we got there. Even if I did tell her, she still wouldn't know – but the mystery would keep her attention peaked.


It was almost a relief to be seeing her again. This time I could guarantee that she would remember it and I could be slightly happier because I knew it wouldn't be the last time I was seeing her. Being friends with Elle and working in Cailen's coffee shop was also a guarantee that I could see her as much as I wanted to.

Thinking too far ahead? Sure, but it wasn't a big deal. I knew that I had the chance to find out what I was curious about, figure out all of her mysteries. After all, we now had a lot more time than I initially expected. May as well put it to good use.

As I glanced over at her once again, she was now almost asleep, her head shaking against the window every few seconds as I drove down the uneven roads, causing vibrations on the window.

"Coco?" I whispered, seeing if she was still awake.

She mumbled something incoherent under her soft breath.

I took off my jacket and folded it as best as I could with one arm whilst driving to give her a makeshift pillow to lean against instead.

"Thank you." She sighed, grabbing it and moving it around until she finally became comfortable.

Then onwards, she was out like a light. Occasional little snores came from her faintly. I felt as though I was alone, but at the same time with a huge presence by my side. She was like a nobody, but a somebody. It was a strange feeling from her unusual effect.

In the journey, I finally figured out specifically what the sweet smell was which was so identifiable to her. Strawberries... or raspberries. Were they the same smell? No, it was definitely strawberries. It took me a while to put my finger on it, but once I realised, I was proud of myself and incredibly pleased. Her scent lingered, so the constant reminder without a specific name bugged me.

What an idiot.

Clearly, I was very bored to have been able to spend a whole couple of days not only worrying about a strange girl, but more so becoming irritated that I couldn't put a name to what it was that she smelled like. The specifics mattered to me.

A strawberry treat. Some sort of candy.

Specifics are important sometimes.

For the past couple of years, I had been working my ass off to become an agent and slowly qualify. So far so good. Too many times I had been told that I have 'potential' yet still I'm not where I want to be. Little things that I can identify would always play a part in something, such as my desired career.

Soon enough, all the work would pay off. Since I left high school, I had been aiming for it. It wasn't as easy as it could be because I didn't have any personal connections within an agency. With my degree, I managed to eventually find someone who actually had a lot of faith in me and allowed me to take part in some small opportunities. Over the past couple of years, I had increased my small reputation and was being incorporated into more small jobs – I still couldn't do anything properly until I finished my degree.

After a thirty-minute drive, we arrived at what I thought was the perfect place for Cassie right now. First, I would have to wake her up.

"Cassie," I murmured. After pausing for a couple of seconds and no response, I spoke to her again a little louder. "Cassie."

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