Chapter Fifty Six

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Adrian called me numerous times last night to ask where I went off to, none of which I answered. Apparently, there were a lot of videos of Liam being thrown out, then of the aftermath where he's seen throwing up down the street, still yelling but incoherently. When I eventually answered my phone, he had already left and taken everyone home with him. 

Cassie woke up with a series of messages from her friends that she has in class sending her the videos, causing her to giggle so hard it woke me up too. She was never really the petty type unless it concerned Liam. His misery made her thrive. Who am I to judge? I loved it too. 

When I eventually checked my phone, I woke up to a string of messages from Adrian, who happened to have sent me most of the same videos that we continued to laugh at for the next half an hour. 

Now, I was sitting in my car on Adrian's driveway reading Cassie's messages complaining about her workload. 

Adrian Wolfe: Are you planning on coming inside soon?

I looked up to see Adrian frowning at me through the window and I finally got out and let myself in. 

"Dude, you've been sat in my driveway for ten minutes. What have you been doing?" He asked, locking the door behind me. 

"I've been texting Cassie." I threw my jacket onto the chair and made my way into his living room. It seemed messier than usual. Considering he lived alone, there was never much chance for there to be a mess, he was usually a tidy person. 

But I know one person who isn't so tidy. 

He pulled my phone out of my hand and silenced it. "You could've invited her, you know that right?" 

"I did, she's practically drowning in her studying. It's safe to say she's fallen behind a little with everything going on these past few months." I explained. I tried to convince her a few hours wouldn't hurt but she was stubborn. Then again, we've had the same conversation before and she would never give in. She knows when she needs to get her head down. "Did Chase tell you about last night?" 

"About him apologising to Cassie? He mentioned it, then the cab driver had to pull over so he could throw up and that was the end of the story. What happened?" Adrian asked, picking up the clutter from the floor. 

I couldn't mistake the perfume bottle on the side table, it was the same one Elle carried everywhere. 

The blankets folded neatly in the corner of the couch next to a pillow hinted that Adrian slept on the couch, even though he had more than one bedroom. Unless everyone stayed over last night. I was drawing blanks the more that I thought about it. 

Adrian snapped his fingers, clearly trying to get an answer to the question. 

"I saw them go outside together and I figured it wouldn't end well. He lit a cigarette and offered her one." I started, but Adrian chuckled. 

Shaking his head, still laughing, he said, "That's Chase's idea of a peace offering." 

"Well, I watched from the back door just in case. They were just talking so I made my way over and it was nice. He said how much happier she made me and that I changed, he just didn't want to watch me get hurt." I explained. 

Adrian frowned slightly. Usually things like this, Chase would've told someone beforehand, but perhaps he was just drunk and impulsive. 

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