Chapter Sixteen

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It took me a minute to connect the dots. Noah Piece was Cassie's father. She was speechless, staring at the screen as she took it in.

"It was him." She threw her phone, bouncing off the wall then landing on her bed.

"What was him?" I asked, confused to say the least.

She looked at me like I was stupid, her browsed creased into a frown like she needed to hit something – or someone. "He sent someone to find me, Landon. When I lift, I didn't tell him where I was going and he swore he would find me, told me I couldn't hide forever. Now he knows where I am and I have no idea how."

This was too much for one day.

First, she confesses that she told the girls we kissed, what was completely going against what we wanted to happen, especially as she said it wasn't a big deal. Then, she stayed way for me for almost a month. Things were looking more positive when she agreed to go to breakfast with me, which was then ruined when someone started fucking chasing us and Cassie was the one who got us away.

Now, it turns out that it was her own father looking for her because he didn't know where she went and the only sane solution was apparently to send someone after his daughter.

As stupid as it sounds, this whirlwind of a woman intrigued me.

Regardless, I wasn't going to leave her alone in such frightening circumstances.

"Why don't you go and shower and calm down a little? I'll try and figure something out." I suggested, hoping a shower would give her a clear-thinking head.

She nodded, too paranoid to form words. I couldn't blame her, it was apparent that she didn't have the best relationship with her dad, but this was too far. Perhaps I could see if there was anything Hailee could do to help it. She was a lawyer after all, she would know if there was a viable solution.

Cassie padded into the bathroom for a shower and as I waited, her phone started ringing. At first, I was going to ignore it, but when it went off again, I decided to check who it was in case it was important.

Incoming call: Elle Sanders

Answering Elle wasn't bad, she wouldn't get mad at that. "Hey, Elle. Cassie's in the shower at the moment, I'll get her to call you back when she's out."

"You're with Cass," She paused, "Whilst she's showering?"

"God no, not like that. I'm at your dorm and I'm waiting for her." I clarified, not wanting her to think I was in the shower with her.

Don't think of it. No matter how much you want to, don't even consider thinking about it. Think about the locker room after practice. All the sweaty footprints on the floor.


"Well, can you pass on the note I left." She asked. I searched around the room to find it, then spotted a torn piece of blue paper stuck to the mirror.

Taking it off, I read the note. Elle was going back home to look after her sister whilst her mom picked up some night shifts. "Why leave a note?"

Funnily, I was irritated by her only leaving a note rather than calling. Sure, she was calling now, but she didn't plan on doing so. This was Elle, I had never been annoyed by her because there was never anything besides good intentions, no matter what she was doing.

It's not like she knew Cassie was having a dreadful day stressing about her father, but I could see how on edge she was and she didn't want to be alone. She couldn't help having to look after her sister, she was too kind of a person to tell her mom no, even if she was over the other side of the city to do so.

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