Chapter Twenty Six

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Pressing the button to allow her up, I did a quick sweep. She never told me she was coming and I was not prepared at all.

My fingers fidgeted with the collar of my shirt, anticipating her sudden return after being away for so long. Nothing was different, why was I so nervous? The time apart was like watching paint dry. Boring, uneventful and was starting to seem endless. I wanted to see her, I was dying to, but something seemed wrong about it - I couldn't seem to put my finger on what it was.

Perhaps it was just a shock and I was far too unprepared for any of it. That should've been the least of my worries. Going over the span in my head, I was trying to think about what I had been up to which could cause me to worry. Nothing. Life went on as usual. College, work, and finally communicating with my friends once again.

If anything, it was a good chance for me to get back into a good routine that I could fit her into when she was here. My priorities were realigned, no longer did I need to consider if things were being pushed aside. Life was in order and Coco would fit right in perfectly.

Panic over.

It would be great to see her again. To finally be able to speak to her and catch up. Phone calls weren't the same as talking in person. I could only imagine the smiles she would be trying (and failing) to suppress and the way her eyes would glint anytime she was happy.

Sitting in the chair by the door, I was startled by the light knocking from the other side. Had it been so long that she felt like she had to knock?

The first few days she stayed, she insisted on knocking every time she came back until I managed to convince her that there was really no need. With the way I'm guessing she was raised, she probably felt rude about it.

"Come here." Immediately after opening the door, I pulled her in and she fit perfectly in my arms, resting her head by my neck.

Sweet strawberry smells filled the air as though she never left and I couldn't resist pulling her chin up to align our lips, creating a soft yet desperate kiss.

"Please, never go for that long again."

She giggled, her breath hot against my skin. "I promise."

Maybe I could admit that I was driving myself insane without her.

However, it was impossible to miss the slight shaking of her body whilst she clung to me. Considering it was practically winter, she could have just been cold. Her thin jacket was laid between the straps on her bag, leaving her with bare arms and a stiff posture.

"Are you okay, Coco?" I pulled back slightly to get a better look at her face. The cold was far more evident, with rosy cheeks and nose and windswept hair, I knew that she was definitely freezing.

Taking a breath, she paused before replying. "I'm a lot better now."

Something about it just didn't seem to be as believable. I wasn't sure if it was because she looked at the floor the whole time or the long delay, I couldn't really put my finger on it. Did the time away make her reconsider our little... situation?

Originally, I intended to ask so many questions about her trip but seeing her again made me wonder about the event as a whole. I already spoke to her about her leaving, but that didn't really explain why she was so secretive about it in the first place and it was even more strange for her to not tell me she was coming back. But I didn't want to pounce immediately after coming back.

My plan was to get her warm, let her settle a little more with a snack or something to drink, and then ease in with all of my questions. Hell, it might not be worth it but I couldn't keep hiding my wonders. They would end up eating me alive.

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