Chapter Fifty Three

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My head was hanging into the toilet bowl and the smell of my own vomit only made me want to vomit more.  Landon sat behind me, holding my hair behind me and turning away, making gagging noises whenever he faced me.

"I think that's everything I've eaten for the past week." My voice was hoarse as I spoke and my throat felt like sandpaper.

"You nearly done?" Landon asked, almost gasping.

I nodded, fearing if I opened my mouth too much too soon more would find its way out of me.

Kristen decided to take us out for dinner and after her telling every story about me since we first met, I thought it was a good idea to go for drinks to aid my mental recovery. Clearly, I wasn't considering the physical recovery I would need from it. 

I slept fine through the night and even woke up feeling okay. Then the second I sat up, everything came up with me. For the last ten minutes, I had been throwing my insides up after barely making it to the bathroom.

I flushed the toilet and sprayed the air freshener, miserably failing to mask the putrid smell.

"I definitely need a shower. I need to scrub all of this off of me." I knew I had some awful smells radiating from me. Between vomit, other people's sweat, drinks, and morning breath, I was a hot mess. Just without the hot, only the mess. 

"Alright, I'll see if I can arrange some breakfast if you're up to it." He went to kiss my mouth but then turned to kiss my temple instead. I didn't blame him at all. In all honesty, I'm surprised he still wanted to touch me after the mess I had made.

Landon turned on the shower for me whilst I grabbed some towels. I needed to burn the smell off of my skin. He left me be and I pulled open the shower door and let the water run down my back in a soothing pattern and massaged shampoo into my hair. Slowly but surely, I was feeling better.

I didn't really feel unwell, it was just the severe amount of alcohol I drank. Now that it was out, I felt starved. 

By the time I finished in the shower, Landon had left a note on the nightstand by a glass of water. 

I didn't know your address to order breakfast, I'll be back within 30 minutes, going to find a store to cook for us.

I was also interested in how confused he was going to get walking to the nearest store.

My phone buzzed from the bathroom and an unknown number appeared on the screen.

"Hello?" I asked, holding my phone with my shoulder as I retied my towel around me.

There was background chatter before a woman greeted me. "Hi, Cassidy. It's Joan Hark, how are you doing?"

Joan was the woman in charge of the house whilst it was on the market. She arranged for the photos to be taken, the house to be valued, and all the viewings as well as just helping me in general.

"Hey, Joan. I'm good thank you. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything is going very smoothly. We have a woman with me interested in the house. She said she wants to view it as soon as possible. I know you want to hand it over to someone else to do that on your behalf, is there any way we can arrange a visit?"

That was... quick.

They knew I was back in town, I wasn't handing it over to someone because I didn't want to do it myself, it was because I couldn't.

"I don't mind doing it, I'm here for a couple of days anyways. When is she available?"

She laughed. "Today, she's very eager and has nothing else planned. If that's okay with you of course?"

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