Chapter Seven

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What was wrong with my clothes? Why did Elle want me to change them?

Probably the fact that they weren't actually mine.

I glanced down at the borrowed outfit and nodded, silently agreeing that perhaps it wasn't the best choice for an almost break-in. Though was it really classed as a break-in if you had the key? You can't go to jail purely for entering.

Either way, a cardigan wasn't what she had in mind for this. It was far from my style to start with, smelled like another girl and the whole look was oversized on me, imaginably belonging to someone taller than me. Don't even get me started on the shoes. They were cute, but being a size too big, they were starting to cut my feet purely from the friction.

Rummaging through Elle's drawers (with permission of course) I found an array of different combinations already put together. Still, she pointed out the ones that would work best and seemed most likely to fit me.

Some of what she owned appeared smaller. Her size was petite, I guessed around five foot two or five foot three at a push. It suited her build being a little shorter than average, on the other hand it made me doubt that her pants would fit my slightly longer legs.

"Are you sure these will work?" I asked, hesitating at everything she had pulled out for me and laid on what would soon be my bed.

"Yes, trust me on this. Some of these are actually my friends' anyway, Cailen. You'll meet her and love her soon." She smiled, shoving the stacks into my hands.

I wandered into the bathroom and laid out the selection in the tiny space that I had to do so. Everything there was black, a colour which I usually wouldn't have any problem with, in fact, I wore it more than everything else. On this occasion, I was hesitant, it was still hot outside and I would sweat the layers off very soon. Elle didn't seem like the sort of spirit to only own dark stuff, even now she was wearing a pale blue skirt and a little white top.

Processing the thoughts, I realised that when she said they aren't all hers, she meant that nothing she picked out for me was hers. The main give was that they smelled musty, as though it had been a while since the last time they were worn, along with the fact that they were actually quite creased.

To prevent me from having to try on too many, I eliminated a couple of the choices just by looking at them. The first ones to go were the ones that were either sweatpants, hoodies and anything else that covered too much or was just too thick for me to breathe in with such conditions outside.

Eventually, I settled on a black denim skirt and a satin blouse that tied into a knot at the front and hung loosely on the shoulders. After changing, I went back into the bedroom to show Elle, who looked please with the choice and clapped to emphasise.

"I didn't even put that one together! I'm so proud." She said, spinning her finger around to encourage me to twirl and show off the attire.

Continuing, she hopped off her bed and packed up the bag on the floor. "Perfect! Let me just get everything ready and make sure I have what I need."

I took a mental note of everything she was bringing. The kind of glue that is typically found in schools, sharpie pens, a lot of glitter, water bottles, stick tape, perfume and rubber bands. It was an odd combination, but she had a plan and looked like she had everything ready, knowing the purpose of every item. Why did she have some of this stuff? What sort of college student owns glitter?

"Since you have a key, nothing that we're doing is technically breaking any laws. There's not going to be any damage, just a lot of annoyance." She assured me.

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