-How you met-

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Charlie- Charlie helped you up when you were tripped at school and you guys ate lunch together.

Adam- You have been neighbors for years and play street hockey together.

Jesse- Your parent's are friends and you would have play dates together.

Dean- You were watching team USA and the boys play street hockey and he started flirting with you before he had to leave.

Fulton- He stood up for you in school when boys were making fun of your hair. He's been protective of you ever since.

Luis- You met at the Junior Goodwill Games after you congratulated USA for winning. He called you cute.

Averman- You guys met when you started working together at the movie theater.

Guy- You met while you were skating on the pond.

Russ- You were watching him and his friends play street hockey and he came and talked to you after.

Ken- You both were in the same ice-skating class and learned how to ice-skate at the same time, so you would practice together.

Dwayne- You met on a ranch and he taught you how to use a lasso.

Goldberg- You went to his parent's restaurant and he was your server.

Connie- Your mom's were best friends in high school, so you grew up together. 

Julie- You go to Eden Hall and bumped into her on the first day while she was going to hockey practice

*These will be she/her preferences, but if you want me to do they/them or he/him, let me know.*

*Also, these are pretty random, but I mean.... it's fine*

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