-How They React When They See You Crying-

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Charlie- It was the middle of testing season and you were very stressed out. You were in your dorm trying to study 3 different subjects at the same time. You didn't have time to do anything else anymore. You couldn't eat, sleep, see your friends, or even see Charlie. It made you cry. While you were crying, there were tears falling onto your papers. Suddenly, you heard the door open. You quickly wiped away the tears and looked over and saw Charlie holding a small paper bag. "Hey y / n I brought you some- wait .. are you okay Honey?" You fake a smile and nod. "Of course I am, what's in the bag?" You were about to get up, but Charlie was faster. He walked over to your desk and looked down at your papers. "Are these tear drops?" He looks at you with concern. "No......" You look back at your papers and start crying again. Charlie immediately drops the bag and pulls you up into his arms. "Tell me everything." And you do. You tell him about everything that has been on your mind. After you were done talking, Charlie rubbed your back and grabbed the bag he brought. "Well ... I was coming here to bring you some snacks, because I noticed that you weren't at dinner." He hands you the bag and you giggle. "Thanks Charlie ... These are my favorites." You wipe one more tear off your cheek and give Charlie a quick kiss on the lips. He was always there for you and was able to calm you down.

Adam- You were chilling in your dorm when your phone rings. You answer it and it's your guardian. They say that a family member close to you has passed. After you hang up the phone, you started tearing up. You couldn't believe that someone close to you has passed. You heard a knock on the door, but didn't get up to open the door. "Y/n, it's Adam, can I come in?" You stayed still on your bed, staring at the door and still crying. "Y/n... are you crying?" Adam asks, louder. "No, please just go away." You finally respond, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. "Y/n... please let me in." Adam says with more concern in his voice. You finally give in. "Fine, the door's unlocked."  The knob then jiggles and Adam appears in the doorway, with his backpack slung over his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" Adam asks as he makes his way to your desk chair to sit down, not wanting to intrude too much. "It's just that someone really close to me died and I was just told a few minutes ago." You say looking at your twiddling fingers, with tears dripping off your cheek. "I am so sorry y/n." Adam comes over onto the bed and pulls you into a hug. "I know how hard it could be to lose a loved one." Adam says softly while wiping the tears off your cheek. "Thanks Adam." You lay your head onto his shoulder calming down. Adam spends the next half hour chatting with you and making you cheer up a little.  *I put guardian, not mom or dad, because I do not want to assume anything, so you can just fill that in however you want*

Jesse- You didn't cry often. You only really cried out of frustration. Your friend was being bitchy and it really frustrated you. When you were walking home, you kept thinking about your friend, and that caused you to become really frustrated, also causing you to cry. You wipe a tear and grumble to yourself. "Whatcha talkin' about?" You heard Jesse's voice behind you, which made you jump and quickly wipe away the tears. "Oh, Jesse... nope, I wasn't talking about anything." Jesse steps in front of you and makes you stop. He looks into your eyes and furrows his eyebrows. "Were you crying?" You shake your head, but Jesse gives you the 'I know you're lying' face. "Okay, maybe I was crying just a little, but it's no big deal." "Well y/n... you don't cry often, so I know something is up soooooo, you either tell me nowwwww or I keep bothering you until you do." You roll your eyes, but start talking. You tell him about your friend and about how frustrated you were about it. "See, now you get why I don't like your friends." He turns toward you and wipes one last tear off of you cheek. "Now, to cheer you up, you wanna play some street hockey?" You laugh. "Sure, why not." You both walked hand in hand all the way to the blacktop. 

Dean- It was just a normal day for you. You were actually on your way to Dean's dorm when you heard a guy's voice behind you. "Excuse me!" You turn around and see a guy much taller than you, jogging towards you. "Yes?" The guy finally stops a few feet from you, slightly out of breath. "I just wanted to ask if you were free on Friday, because I saw you in the hallway and thought you looked really hot." You were pretty uncomfortable. "Um, actually I have a boyfriend and I'm on my way to see him right now." You back up a step and try to make sure your voice is as steady as possible. "Hahaha, funny. You don't have to lie about having a boyfriend, so you can turn me down." "I'm not lying, and if you excuse me, I need to get going." You turn around to keep walking, but the guy puts his hand on your shoulder. "Come on sweetie." Without missing a beat, you swing the book that was in your hands, straight to the guy's face, knocking him back. "Ah, WTF." He grabs his nose and you see blood coming from it. "You bitch, stay away from me." The guy then turns around and runs off. You were in shock, and started crying. Not because you were sad, but because you were freaked out about what just happened. You got to Dean's dorm and knocked, with tears still in your eyes. He opened the door. "Hey what took you so-" He stopped talking when he noticed that you were crying. "What happened?" He asked as he pulled you into a hug. "Can we talk in private?" You ask. "Of course." He pulls you in and closes the door. You both sat down on the bed and you explained to Dean what happened. He clenched his fists and jaw. "Who. Did. That." "I don't know. I didn't recognize them, but it's fine now. I was just freaked out." Dean pulls you into a tighter hug. "If I ever see that guy, I will kick his a*s." 

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