-How You 2 Got Detention Together-

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Charlie- You guys were caught skating in the hockey rink at night 

Adam- You both spoke out of turn during class when the teacher was being a jerk

Jesse- You punched a guy that was flirting with you. Jesse came over and asked what happened and when you told him, Jesse started fighting with the dude. (You cheered him on)

Dean- He 'accidentally' pushed a guy that was being a jerk down the stairs and got detention. You felt bad that he got detention, so you called a teacher a bitch to purposefully get detention.

Fulton- You both were shooting pucks in the hallway after school cause you were bored, but you guys were caught after breaking a window. 

Luis- You and Luis got detention because you were making out in the hallway in between classes. (You were both peeved, because you see people do the same all the time, but not get detention for it)

Averman- You guys started a food fight with the varsity hockey team.

Guy- You guys were in the library in the middle of the night. You both accidentally fell asleep and were caught by the librarians when they opened up the library in the morning. 

Russ- You dared Russ to skate down the stairs. He fell and got detention. Another teacher heard you dare him, so they gave you detention as well.

Ken- You hit a varsity hockey player for stealing Ken's lunch and got detention. Ken felt bad that you got detention because of him, so he snuck into detention to sit with you. 

Dwayne- You were watching Dwayne put a horse back into the stable. You jokingly threw a small chunk of mud at him. It hit him and he laughed. Soon enough you guys started a mud war. A teacher found you guys covered in mud and gave you detention. 

Goldberg- You two pulled a prank on some kids, but got caught. 

 Connie- You and Connie were caught drawing on an old building wall. 

Julie- You were caught in the school garden late at night.

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