-Are They Good Drivers?-

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Charlie- Yep. He got his licence as soon as he could. The main reason why is so he could drive you around to dates and not his mom. 

Adam- He got his license, but didn't really drive until he was 17. He was just never good at it until you were able to teach him. 

Jesse- His dad kinda forced him to learn so Jesse could drive Terry places. Besides that, he is actually pretty good. 

Dean- He didn't get his licence till he was 17, because he procrastinated about it (and because he isn't amazing at driving) but he finally got it when you nagged him about it. You are the driver in the relationship. 

Fulton- He got his licence asap. Fulton is the safest driver and has also become a backseat driver whenever you drive. 

Luis- He is a good driver, but he hates driving, so you mainly drive him around. 

Averman- Really wants to be a good driver, but failed his test 3 times before he finally was good enough to pass. Gets distracted when driving, but is usually okay now. 

Guy- Nervous wreck when driving. Has a weird fear linked with driving, so he didn't get his license until he was 18. After he got his license, he got over his fear and became a good driver. 

Russ- Same as Dean. Wreckless driver. Got his license right after you did. You guys argue about who is gonna drive. 

Ken- Grandma driver. Slow asf. Doesn't drive as often as the others.

Dwayne- Learned how to drive a tractor and other vehicles while in Texas, so he is the best driver out of everyone. 

Goldberg- Good at driving, but doesn't like to. Mainly drives for his family restaurant. 

Connie- Pretty decent at driving. Likes driving you around while blasting your favorite songs. 

Julie- She wasn't good at driving at first, but after some time, she got the hang of it. Mainly like biking around instead. 

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