-My Head-Cannon Sexuality for the Ducks-

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*FYI this is a HEAD-CANNON thing, so these aren't their actual cannon sexualities. Also for this, I am not giving an explanation, so if you do want one, just comment and I will explain my reasoning*

Charlie- bi-curious

Adam- Straight, but supports

Jesse- Straight, but supports

Dean- Straight, but supports

Fulton- Pansexual

Luis- Bi with a preference for girls

Averman- Closeted bi

Guy- Bisexual

Russ- Demiromantic

Ken- Omnisexual, He/They

Dwayne- No labels

Goldberg- Used to be homophobic, but eventually learns to support

Connie- Bi with a preference for girls

Julie- Questioning either pan or bi

*If you noticed, only Kenny had pronouns in his part. At first, I was going to a whole chapter of the ducks pronouns, but I thought about it and realized that the only person to not have he/him pronouns was Kenny, so I decided to add his pronouns here, instead of make a whole chapter for it :)*

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