-Would They Let You do Their Makeup?-

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Charlie- Yes. He would be pretty excited. 

Adam- He would be hesitant, but eventually cave in.

Jesse- He would keep saying no, but after you give him puppy eyes, he would reluctantly say yes.

Dean- Yes.  He would try to kiss you while you are doing his lipstick and you would get mad. 

Fulton- Yes. He would quietly sit and watch your face as you do his makeup.

Luis- Yes, but as retaliation, he would try to kiss you the whole time, peeving you off. 

Averman- He would let you, only if he got to pick what you do to his face. 

Guy- He would say yes, but he would silently resent. 

Russ- He would say no, but say he will watch you do your own makeup. 

Ken- He would agree and be super excited when you finished. 

Dwayne- At first he would say no, but later in the day, he would come to you and ask you to do his makeup as a bonding moment. 

Goldberg- He would absolutely refuse, saying it's girly. 

Connie- Of course she would! She loves when you do things together. 

Julie- She'd say yes, but only if you do something neutral. 

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