-Their Toxic Traits-

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*I believe that these traits would not usually come out in a relationship, unless the trait is directly related to them being in a relationship (Ex: Dean, maybe Luis)*

Charlie-  Doesn't handle new authority well

Adam- Worries about his appearance a little too much sometimes

Jesse- Superiority complex (if you don't know what it means, just look it up)

Dean- A tad too aggressive when a guy talks to you

Fulton- He can be a push-over sometimes 

Luis- Man-whore. That's it. He's an f-boy

Averman- Doesn't take much seriously 

Guy- Tries to impress you too much and gets himself hurt while doing so 

Russ- Doesn't think before he speaks

Ken- Tries too hard to be masculine (yes I changed it, because I realized that I thought of toxic masculinity different than what it actually was, so I changed it to what I meant originally as toxic masculinity) 

Dwayne- Can get too competitive 

Goldberg- A little full of himself

Connie- Overthinks about things a little too much

Julie- Too curious for their own good 

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