-Nicknames **UPDATED**-

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Charlie- you call him- Hun  he calls you- Babe

Adam- you call him- Banksie or Cake-Eater he calls you- Honey

Jesse- you call him- Love he calls you- Babe

Dean- you call him- Baby he calls you- Baby Girl

Fulton- you call him- Babe he calls you- Ms.Perfect

Luis- you call him- Speedy he calls you- Mrs.Mendoza

Averman- you call him- Jokester he calls you- Princess

Guy- you call him- Baby  he calls you- Girlie (Idk I don't have an idea for him)

Russ- you call him- Knuckle-puck (if ykyk) he calls you- Love

Ken- you call him- Kenny he calls you- Angel (from the song)

Dwayne- you call him- Cowboy or Lovebug he calls you- Cowgirl or Sunshine

Goldberg- you call him- Goldie he calls you- y/n. He only calls you babe or baby in a very special moment 

Connie- you call her- Darling   she calls you- Love

Julie- you call her- Sunflower   she calls you- Rose

*BTW, the preferences for Jesse and Guy are probably going to be weaker than the rest, because they never been my "favorites"*

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