-The Ducks Getting Injured-

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Charlie- You and Charlie were leaving Eden Hall together. It was winter and the ground was icy. You guys got to a pretty long staircase and you went first. You carefully got down and looked up at Charlie. "Be careful Carrot top!" "I'll be fineee y/n." Charlie said in a reassuring tone. He made it down about half the stairs until he slipped and fell down the stairs, hard. Once he finally got to the bottom, you run over to him, not caring about possibly falling. "Charlie!" You help him up and he winces in pain. "Are you okay?" You ask him. "No, my ankle really hurts." You help Charlie carefully sit on the ground and he clutches his left ankle in pain. "Here we can go to the hospital." You say to Charlie. "Why can't we just go to the nurse?" You look at him and raise your eyebrows. "Charlie... the nurses will just give you a bag of ice and say 'good luck'" "Good point... fine let's go." You help Charlie limp to your car. He gets into the front seat and you get in the driver's seat. You quietly get to the hospital and you help Charlie get to the non-emergency area. You get into the waiting room and sit Charlie down. "I'll be right back." You give him a quick kiss on the head and walk to the front desk. "Hi Ma'am, how may I help you?" "Hi, my boyfriend slipped on ice while going down the stairs and now he says his ankle hurts really badly, so we went here." The nurse nods as she types stuff onto the computer in front of her. "Okay, fill out this paper and then once you give it back, you guys will eventually be called." The nurse then hands you a clipboard and a pen. "Thank you." You smile at the nurse and walk back to a seat next to Charlie and hand him the clipboard. "Here, fill this out." He quickly fills it out and you take it back to the nurse. About 10 minutes later, you and Charlie get called and you both make your way to a room. Another 15 minutes go by and the doctor takes Charlie to get X-rays. Once Charlie gets back from X-rays, the doctor leaves and says they'll be back soon. After 5 minutes, you and Charlie get bored, so you decide to play rock paper scissors shoot. Once the doctor finally gets back, he explains that Charlie's ankle is broken and he will need to wear a cast and use crutches for about 6 weeks. It took about ANOTHER HOUR to get Charlie a cast, and crutches, and medicine. Finally you guys left. Over the next 6 weeks, you help Charlie while he is using his crutches. 

Adam- You were outside with your friend when your phone rang. You stopped walking to answer the phone. "Hello?" "y/n, it's Charlie, Adam is in the hospital." "What?!" "He slipped during practice today and hit his head hard, so he had to be taken to the hospital." Your face drops and you were speechless. "Y/n, you there." You shake yourself back to reality. "Yes, I'm here, what hospital? I'm going there now." "Hold on y/n, we were all planning on going together, so meet us in the parking lot." "Okay, on my way, bye Charlie." "Bye." You hang up the phone, put it back in your pocket, and turn toward your friend. "I'm sorry, y/b/f/n (your best friend name) I need to go to the hospital." Your friend nods understandingly. "That's okay y/n, I'll see you later." Your friend walks back towards the school and you sprint to the parking lot. When you get there, you see Fulton's van (yes he has a van) in the parking lot with the Ducks inside. Charlie hops out and meets with you. "Come on y/n, let's go." He grabs your hand and leads you to the van. You go in first and sit between Julie and Connie. Charlie follows behind you and sits beside Averman. It takes about half an hour to get to the hospital, but once you do, you all jump out and walk in. When you guys all go to the waiting room, the hospital staff watches you guys, but doesn't say anything. Connie goes up to the help desk and asks where Adam Banks is. "Let me check..." *computer clicks computer clicks computer clicks* "Looks like he just got back to his room (room B-04) from X-rays, I think he can have visitors, but not all of you at once." She gestures to the group of Ducks behind Connie. "Oh, okay, thank you ma'am." Connie walks back to the group and we decided to go on at a time. You were the last one to go and see him and when you got there, it looked like he was asleep. You walked in and sat at the chair that was beside his bed. "He looks so helpless." You say to yourself. While you were looking at Adam's face, you started to cry, because you felt horrible that he was hurt like this. About a minute later, you hear Adam's voice. "Don't cry y/n, I'm okay." You look up and see Adam sitting up. "Adam." You reach over the bed and hug him. He hugs back.

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