-Would They Let You Paint Their Nails?-

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Charlie- He would only let you if it's a neutral color or green. 

Adam- Yes, but would call it 'letting you practice' so he doesn't get teased by the others. 

Jesse- He would be very reluctant, but finally gives in after you give him the 'pretty please' eyes. 

Dean- Yes!! He loves having nail polish on. He wouldn't do any bright colors though. 

Fulton- He would ask you to paint his nails before you could ask. 

Luis- He said he would only let you paint his nails once. Since then, you paint his nails bi-weekly.

Averman- He will let you only if he could paint yours as well. 

Guy- I think he would be nervous about it, but inevitably let you. 

Russ- After a few times of asking, he will say no, but give in after you promise to buy him some Monster Energy.  

Ken- He already paints his nails, so of course he would let you. 

Dwayne- Only if you paint with red glitter nail polish. 

Goldberg- No. He doesn't want to look girly, but he will watch you paint your nails. 

Connie- You guys already paint each others nails on the weekends. 

Julie- She doesn't really like nail-polish, but she still lets you paint her nails every now and then. 

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