-Their First Thoughts of You-

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*If you need context... go to the first chapter, 'how you met'.*

Charlie-  "I wonder if she needs help.... Hm. She's kinda cute." <--- before you actually talk      "I can't let her go... maybe I should ask her to eat lunch with me.... ah screw it Charlie." <--- after you meet

Adam- *You guys were young kids when you first met*   "There's that neighbor kid... I wonder if my dad will let me play with her." <----- before you actually talk   "She was actually pretty fun to play with... I wonder if we can play tomorrow."  <---- after you meet

Jesse-  *You guys were so young when you met... that Jesse never really had 'first thoughts' of you. You've just been in his life... well... his whole life.*

Dean- "Dang, she's kinda cute. Is she checking me out?" <---- before you actually talk   "She's totally into me, maybe I should ask Russ about her..." <---- after you meet

Fulton- "Why are those guys picking on that girl!"  <--- before you actually talk   "She's really sweet, I'll make sure those jerks don't pick on her anymore."  <--- after you meet

Luis- "Ouhh.... this cute girl is coming towards me. Alright Luis, be cool be cool." <-- before you actually talk  "She's cute AND nice... I can't believe it! I hope I see her again." <-- after you meet    *I feel like this is slightly weak.*

Averman- "Oh. A new girl at work." <-- before you actually talk  "I can't believe she actually laughed at my jokes!" <--- after you meet. *I have the head-cannon that Averman doesn't catch feelings immediately with someone.

Guy- "There's been this girl skating on the pond... I wonder what school she goes to." <--- before you actually talk   "Wow, she is actually pretty cool. She even goes to my school!" <--- after you meet

Russ- "Hm. This girl has been watching for a while now. Wonder if she got her eyes on someone?" <--- before you actually talk    "Well she seemed much cooler than expected. I should've asked her if she can play street hockey." <--- after you meet  

Ken- "Looks like there is a girl in my ice-skating class." <--- before you actually talk "Wow, she's a really good skater for a beginner." <--- after you meet

Dwayne-  "I wonder if that little Lassie needs help."  <--- before you actually talk  "Man... she kinda sucks at lassoing, but practice makes progress!"  <--- after you meet                                                                                                                                          

Goldberg-  "My next customer actually looks kinda cute." <--- before you actually talk  "Her order was pretty nice... I hope she comes back soon.  <--- after you meet

Connie- Because you two have known each other since you were babies, she never had "first thoughts" of you. She has thought of you as a sister when you were kids. 

Julie- "Oh no I bumped into someone- oh. She looks nice." <--- before you actually talk  "She was actually very nice about it. I can't wait to see her tomorrow at lunch, I can't believe I already made another friend- oh right! I have hockey!"  <--- after you meet

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