-Who's The First One to Apologize After an Argument?-

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Charlie- You. Charlie is as stubborn as a tree. (have you seen MD3?)

Adam- Him. He doesn't like fighting with you, so he is usually the first to apologize. 

Jesse- Depends on what the argument was about. 

Dean- You. You are usually the first one to come to your senses after arguments. Dean does apologize first after big arguments though. 

Fulton- Him. He doesn't enjoy it when you two fight. 

Luis- Honestly, you are both hot headed when you argue, so it's whoever caves in first to apologize. 

Averman- The way either of you apologize after a fight (not a serious one, more of a normal one) is that one of you will make a joke and everything will be fine. 

Guy- Him. He is the first one to realize the argument was stupid, so he's usually the first to apologize.

Russ- You. Out of the two of you, you have the most common sense to apologize first. 

Ken- Him. He even apologizes for small things as well. 

Dwayne- Similar to Luis. You both kinda have a stand off and first to cave, apologizes. 

Goldberg- Goldberg, he will sarcastically apologize, then sincerely. 

Connie- You. Connie can be as stubborn as Charlie sometimes, but when she isn't like that, she will probably apologize first. 

Julie- Her. She doesn't like it when you guys have an argument, so she apologizes first to help move on. 

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