-What Kind of 'Summer Camp Kid' They Would be-

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Charlie- The kid who tries too hard during sports games

Adam- Cares more about gossiping than most activities (except street hockey)

Jesse- Has this yearly beef with one child and nobody knows why/when it started

Dean- Has a different 'girlfriend' every summer

Fulton- Tries to have fun, but watches over his friends and worries too much

Luis- Gets in trouble for trying to sneak into other people's cabins

Averman- Can't really do anything because of allergies

Guy- Makes bracelets for his summer crush

Russ- Is the other kid Jesse has beef with. (He doesn't even know why they have beef)

Ken- Only likes hanging out with one person 

Dwayne- For some reason, everyone gets along with him, and he is super popular every year. 

Goldberg- Complains about the food: "My parents do 10x better" 

Connie- Loves to try new things and prove that girls can be just as good as boys

Julie- Runs away to the woods to be alone

**Jeez I finally updated; I'm going to try to update more, but luckily school is ending soon and I will have more time! **

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