-How They React When You Accidentally Call Them by a Nickname-

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**These would have happened before you were dating**

Charlie- You and Charlie were walking to the diner Charlie's mom works at to have an after school snack, because you both had a light lunch. When you walked in, Charlie's mom looked at the two of you and smiled. "Well if it isn't my favorite customers! What are you doing here?" "We just came for a snack if that's okay?" Charlie said. "Oh that's fine kiddos! What would you like?" You both gave your orders, then sat down at an empty table and just started chit chatting. Once your food came, you noticed that you didn't get ketchup. "Hey Babe, can you hand me the ketchup bottle?" You ask Charlie, who is closer to the ketchup then you. Charlie doesn't respond with words, but with a look of shock and confusion. "What?" You didn't realize why he was looking at you like that until you remembered what you just called him on accident. "Um... sorry... I met uh... Charlie, can you hand me the ketchup bottle?" You say with a shade of red covering your cheeks. "Uh... sure y/n, here." He hands the bottle and quickly shoves a fry in his mouth. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Charlie throws a fry at you and the tension is finally released. 

Adam- It was a nice day, so you can Adam decided to study together. Your study sessions were for the most part, very quiet, unless one of you had a question or needed something. That's exactly how this study session went, except for when you were looking for your pencil and noticed it was on the other side of Adam, where you couldn't reach it. (you were both sitting on a bench with your notebooks on your laps) "Hey Love, can you hand me my pencil that's right beside you."  Adam nods and hands you your pencil without taking his eyes off of his book. You thank him and write what you wanted down, but after a second, you realized you called him Love. A few more minutes go by and you hear Adam drop his book. You look over at him and he's blushing. "What's wrong Adam?" "Oh-uh... nothing...." He looks at you and smiles weirdly. You laugh and go back to your book, seemingly forgetting about the whole "Love" ordeal. 

Jesse- Saturday nights were the nights you and Jesse would play various card games at his house. This Saturday's card game was go-fish. "Y/n, you are such a cheater." "Bish please, I am not a cheater." You both laugh and continue playing. Two more games go by and you notice Jesse is cheating. "Hun, I swear, you keep saying I'm a cheater, but here you are lying through your teeth." I glare at him and he smirks at your remark. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Well, you just called me Hun, I didn't know we were at that status?" Jesse smirks again and you blush. "That... that was a slip of the words, now be quiet and stop cheating." You look back at your cards and take your turn. Throughout the rest of the game Jesse teases you and keeps distracting you. Once the game finishes, Jesse walks you home and before you go inside he calls out: "See ya tomorrow Hun!" You roll your eyes and shut the front door behind you. 

(babe)Dean- You and Dean were both at lunch chatting with the rest of the Ducks. Dean had his arm around your shoulders and you look at him annoyed. "What's wrong sweetie?" He says in a annoying tone. You roll your eyes. "Babe, you gotta stop calling me sweetie. We aren't dating!" Right after you finish your sentence Fulton and Goldberg bust out laughing. You look at them and then Dean, who has the smirkiest smirk ever. "What...." "Well Y/n, if you want me to stop calling you sweetie, then you can't call me babe.." Dean says. "I never called you- oh." Then you remember that you accidentally called him babe. You face palm and Fulton and Goldberg start laughing harder. 

Fulton- It was a cold winter day, but you and Fulton were still hanging out in the alleyway... well you were sitting on a box watching Fulton hit pucks into an old suitcase. You were like his personal cheerleader, so you cheered him on all the time and this time was no different. "Go Honey!!!" You cover your mouth after yelling and you can see Fulton turn red and miss the puck completely. He looks at you with wide eyes. "Um... did you just-" You cover your face with your hands out of embarrassment. "Just... just forget I ever said that." The rest of the day is super awkward, but by tomorrow, everything seems normal. 

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