-Special Couple Thing You Two Do-

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Charlie- Every week, you guys have a movie night and always watch the same movie. It's not a good movie, but you watch it every week and make fun of it. 

Adam- You and Adam go to the mall every now and then and buy gag gifts for each other. 

Jesse- Every weekend, the two of you have a game night with Terry. The game you play the most is monopoly. (Jesse is a cheater)

Dean- Dean isn't the biggest fan of thunderstorms, so whenever there is a storm at night, he goes to your dorm and wakes you up and makes you scoot over so her can sleep beside you and cuddle. (He's a cuddler)

Fulton- You are his personal cheerleader, so whenever he is shooting shots in the alleyway, you cheer him on whenever he does good, which is basically all the time. You also cheer loudly at his hockey games. 

Luis- Whenever you two are in public, he puts his hand in your back pocket as a 'sign' to others that you are his girlfriend and that you are off limits. 

Averman- You both have a shared journal you pass on to each other every other day and in it, you write jokes, letters, love notes, anything really. No one else knows about it. 

Guy- Whenever Guy gets nervous while in public or in school, he will rub his thumb over your palm as like a signal to you that he is nervous/uncomfortable. 

Russ- When you two are bored, you start randomly roasting each other. It's all fun and games, so you never really get butt hurt about anything said. 

Ken- You guys make pinkie promises. It's something that you started before you even started dating. 

Dwayne- Rain is like your thing. You guys dance in the rain, walk in the rain, kiss in the rain, etc. A lot of your special moments happen in the rain. 

Goldberg- A fun game you guys play when you are at the diner hanging out is a food guessing game. You feed each other various food combos and try to guess what the combo is. 

Connie- You guys like to read your favorite books to each other. 

Julie- You make flower crowns for each other out of flowers you find at Eden Hall. 

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