-First Kiss (More detailed)-

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Charlie- You and Charlie were on the frozen pond on a skate date and you guys were just having a good time. "Hey! y/n! I didn't think you'd be this good." Charlie says in between laughs. "Thanks Charlie." You say in response. You look into Charlie's eyes and lose focus, causing you to trip. "Woah!" Before you hit the ice, Charlie wraps his arm around your waist so you don't hit the ground. "Are you okay y/n?" Charlie asks. You look up and notice your faces are mere inches apart. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine." You respond. You and Charlie stay like that for a minute until he puts you back onto your feet. For some reason, you were feeling bold, so you leaned in and kissed Charlie on the lips. He wraps his hands around your waist and you wrap your hands around his neck. "Wow." You say in unison. 

Adam- You guys were playing a mini game of street hockey in his driveway. You were tied and decided to spice it up. "Hey Banksie. If you get the next goal, you get a kiss." You smirk which makes him blush. "Deal." We start the last round and it was fun. Adam got the last goal and started his little victory dance. "Good job Banksie." You skate up to him and he pulls you close. "I won, now I get a kiss right?" You raise your eyebrows. "Hmm is Adam Banks being forward?" He laughs. "Maybeeee..." He says as he leans down and kisses you.  *This is short, but sweet*

Jesse- You guys were at his house playing a card game with his younger brother, Terry. You and Jesse were teasing Terry. "Come on guysss stopppp." Terry says in a whiny voice. You both laugh in unison. "Sorry Terry, we'll stop." You say. You guys finished the game and you checked your watch. "Oh, I gotta go, see you later guys." You get up and Jesse stands to. "Bye y/n." He leans in and quickly kisses your lips. Your eyes go wide. Jesse looks at you with confusion, then puts his hand over his mouth. "Did I?" "You did." Terry starts laughing. "Shut it Terry." Jesse glares at his brother who is struggling to breath from laughing so hard. "On that note, I should probably go." You turn to walk out, but turn back around and give Jesse a quick peck on the lips. "We should do that more often."  *I just realized while reading over this that I wrote it in first person POV on accident! My bad! I changed it.*

Dean- You were watching the finals for the Junior Goodwill Games and saw your crush, Dean. He always made your heart skip a beat. When they won, you were so happy, that you went onto the ice and ran right to Dean. "Dean!" you jumped into his arms and he caught you. "You did so good!!" "Thanks y/n!" In the heat of the moment, you and Dean lean into each other and kiss. You finally pull apart and hug again. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" "I'd love to." *I know this is short, but I think your first kiss with Dean would be quick.*  

Fulton- You guys have been dating for a couple of weeks and you were planning on kissing him on your next date. You told Dean about it and he seemed pretty happy that you were moving forward in your relationship. You and Fulton went on an ice-cream date. Fulton was walking you home and you decided to go for it. "Hey Fulton." "Yeah y/n?" You both stop and look at each other. Well, Fulton has to look down to look at you properly. "I was wondering something..." You look up at Fulton and he gives you an innocent smile. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah....." You stood there contemplating for a second before doing it. When you finally decide to you get on your tip-toes and kiss him. Well.... you are still short compared to him, so you actually kiss his chin. When you pull away you cover your face in your hands from embarrassment. "Omg. I can't believe I did that." You said with your face still in your hands. "y/n?" Fulton grabs your hands and you look up at him. "What?" You say still embarrassed. "Next time, let me do it." He says calmly. You nod, feeling a little less embarrassed.   *This one is long and I apologize, I kinda got into writing it*

Luis- You guys kiss before you even start dating. Whenever he flirts with you, he always ends it with asking for a kiss. You turn him down, but after the JV Varsity showdown, you ran up and kissed him. You made out and when you pulled apart, he smirked at you. "Does this mean we are dating now?" You laugh. "Sure Luis." "Good." Luis says and kisses you again. *Okay, why are some of these really short.*

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