-Cute Head-Cannons-

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Charlie- Gets excited whenever he sees you in the stands at his hockey games.

Adam- Likes it whenever you comb his hair with your fingers.  

Jesse- Actually loves his brother more than everyone, but is sometimes hard on him to make him tougher. 

Dean- Only with certain people he is a big softie. 

Fulton- Actually likes his nails painted the same as you. (usually soft colors)

Luis- When you are not looking, he likes to look at you and picture your future together. 

Averman- Always knows where your favorite flowers are and how to get them. 

Guy- Learns how to do hair so he can do yours. 

Russ- He has gotten caught multiple times staring at you. 

Ken- Ken takes pinkie promises super seriously. 

Dwayne- He likes to braid flowers into your hair. 

Goldberg- Doesn't always like it when other people call him Goldie, but loves it when you do. 

Connie- Thinks about your future together a lot.  

Julie- She believes in 'love at first sight'

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