-My Opinion/Rant About Mighty Ducks Game Changers-

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This is basically going to be a rant post about the first episode about the mighty ducks reboot and I will also be mentioning other stuff about the show that hasn't happened yet that I read about in an article. It will be all over the place, so sorry if it is jumbled and kinda crazy. 

Okay first things first, I read about the returning ducks and their jobs. One thing I am questioning is why is Averman's job important to the plot? It was said in an interview that Averman's job can't be revealed because it is important to the bigger story, but let's just say that Averman is Averman. I was thinking that Averman being Averman would be something comedic, but how would that add to the bigger story? I also had a small theory that the current coach of the Ducks (I don't know his name) is related in a way to one of the original Ducks (maybe Averman), but I think he might have a different last name to any of the original players, but I can't confirm that. Also in the article it was stated that Charlie and Bombay aren't on talking right now, so I believe that Charlie was one of the bigger reasons that Bombay started hating kids and hockey again. I hope they do bring up what happened and if they don't, I will lose it. Okay, back to the actual episode that was released. I like Evan, but his mom makes me cringe sometimes, but she has a nice heart and good intentions. Also his next door neighbor, Nick looks a lot like Karp from the first movie. I also like that he's a podcaster. I wonder if the other girl he was with during the opening part of the episode (black hair, glasses, etc) is going to join the team or be like the announcer during games. She seems kinda prominent, but I don't know how yet. 

In the article I read, it mentioned some of the jobs the Ducks have so I will mention them here.

Adam- Public defender (kinda what Bombay did in the beginning of the 1st movie)

Connie- Democratic state senator 

Kenny Wu- Tech startup, but is now in a cover band

Averman- unknown, but important (I'm thinking something related to hockey or comedy)

Dwayne- Cowboy and owns a ranch in Texas 

Julie- Chef in New England

Dean- Teaches meditation in Arizona (yeah I was surprised about this one)

if someone wasn't mentioned here, it means that their profession wasn't mentioned in the article specifically. I am glad that they made the players have specific jobs that I can see pretty well, except for Dean, that one surprised me. I'm surprised that they didn't mention what Goldberg's job, it seems like the easiest one. He could now be the owner of his parent's diner or even be owning a diner in Philly. I am also surprised that they didn't mention Fulton's job, because he is the one who is going to bump into Bombay on the streets in the 6th episode. 

There is also something called a gala, that I think is going to be in the season. It's apparently a Mighty Ducks thing that brings some of the old players back (I don't really know the specifics about it yet) and in the article, this gala is what brings some of the Ducks back to Minnesota. I wonder if Fulton lives in Minnesota or somewhere else? I think he still lives in Minnesota. 

Here is a released picture of the returning players and I have a few comments about it

Here is a released picture of the returning players and I have a few comments about it

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First thing I noticed was that Averman isn't in this picture. He is probably just off screen, but still in the same setting. He could also be in the limo. 

Second thing. If you look at the background, that's the ice palace (I think), so how tf did they get a whole limo onto the ice in the ice palace! I know it is probably a call back to the first movie, but it is kinda weird being inside. 

Third thing. I wonder why Connie and Guy are still in the limo, wouldn't they have gotten out when the others did?

Fourth thing. Who is driving the limo? What if it's the driver from the first movie? That could've been a good callback! (It's unlikely, but fun to hope for) 

Speaking of limo driver, why wasn't he at least mentioned in the 2nd movie? I wish he was mentioned, but it was like he vanished from existence. 

Okay, back to the reboot. 

I like the ending scene with Bombay loosening up a little bit when he played the music for Evan's mom (Alex) I also like the girl Whiney who works at the Ice Palace. (I don't know if I spelled the name right) 

I also liked the scene when Evan was recruiting other players at lunch. It was interesting and I like the team they have right now. I hope that there aren't really any romances. I think that they are going to try and get Evan and that one girl on the Ducks, I think her name is Sofi to become a couple, but I don't see it. 

Right here I am going to be sharing who I think each new player would relate/compare to from the original team. These don't really have a rhyme or reason, so bare with me. 

Evan (the captain)- Charlie

Nick (the podcaster)- Karp

Sam (the daredevil)- Jesse and Dean

Maya (the popular girl) - Connie and Tammy

Lauren (the warrior princess)- Fulton

Koob (the gamer)- Julie and Goldberg (he looks a lot like Goldberg)

Logan (the hair)- Peter?

Sofi (the ringer)- Adam

So from we are told, the players are only returning for one episode.(episode 6)  They might return for another episode, but we haven't been told that yet. I personally think they will be back for a quick cameo in the last episode. That episode with the returning players would probably be 40 minutes long, like the first episode, so I wonder how they are going to fit a bunch of backstory into 40 minutes. From the article I read, there is a lot. A gala, a pizza party meet up, a possible backstory, the original Ducks helping the new team, Bombay relearning his spark for hockey, and probably more. I know 40 minutes is pretty long, but for this episode, it might be too short with all the things that are going to happen and that could happen. All I want to know right now is how Averman's job is important to the big story. I know I said it before, but it is a very interesting choice by the creators for Averman's job specifically being important. I can see Fulton's or Charlie's being important, but I wouldn't see Averman's being important, so I am curious to see how that is going to work out. 

Okay, this is it for now. I might do these for each episode released on Friday's, but it won't be this random. 

Let me know what you thought of the reboot.  

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