-Things I Think Would've Made Mighty Ducks 3 Better-

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**This is just my opinion on things they could've added to the plot or even just a scene or two to make it better and yes this isn't a usual chapter, but I got bored while writing the hospital chapter, so I am taking a break and doing this instead, so I am least being kinda productive.**

1. Mentioning Jesse!!! I always say this when I watch MD3. They should've either included Jesse in a beginning scene saying he isn't taking the scholarship so he can help his dad with taking care/watching over his brother. They could've also done a scene where they were in the school and one of the ringers (like Dwayne or something) ask Charlie where Jesse is and Charlie says that Jesse stayed at their original school with his brother. They mentioned Dean who was in the last few minutes of the movie, so they could've totally mentioned Jesse at least once! It was like he vanished from existence. 

2. NO LOVE INTERESTS!!! I am fine if there is a maybe love interest in a movie, but in a sport's movie, I don't think that they need any kind of love interest. I think it was kinda weird that they gave Charlie a love interest, they could've made Linda just a friend. I would've love to see a scene where Linda meets the others and becomes a friend with them all and not just being there to become Charlie's girlfriend. Also Bombay getting a love interest in almost every movie was kinda weird. 

3. JAN SHOULD'VE BEEN AT THE FUNERAL!!!!!  I am still mad that the creators of MD3 didn't think to make Jan have an appearance at Han's funeral! He wasn't mentioned at all for christ's sake! The most recent time he was mentioned was in the reboot! He even lived in freaking Minnesota, so why wasn't he in the funeral!!! Such a missed opportunity. 

4. Russ mentioning his brother. Russ mentioned his dad a few times during the 3rd movie, so I think it would've also been cool if he mentioned his brother, saying something like: "My brother told me that if I didn't keep this scholarship, I would have my ass kicked." He kinda had a line like this in the beginning before the orientation, but it was about his dad. Also Russ's brother and his friends gave the duck's their spirit and confidence back in the second movie, so it would've been nice to even hear about him and how is he doing. 

5. LUIS BEING ABLE TO STOP!!! Why THE FU*K was Luis not able to stop in the 3rd movie. I think the 3rd movie took place 2-ish years after the 2nd movie, so he should've been able to retain the skill of stopping, but NOOOOOO in the 3rd movie he didn't retain that skill AT ALL! He wasn't able to stop, which shows the Ducks practices weren't the best in building new, long term skills. 

**That being said, I love the 3rd movie, but there are just some little things that I think would've made it better. There are a lot of things I loved and I can do a chapter of that if you'd like :)**

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