-What Kind Of Issues/Complexes Do They Have?-

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**okay it's almost 3am for me rn and I just got this idea after seeing someone comment under a chapter that they have daddy issues so here we are.... Also I'm typing on my phone so sorry for future possible mistakes.**

Charlie- daddy issues... Duh

Adam- inferiority complex

Jesse- superiority complex

Dean- mommy issues (can explain if needed)

Fulton- savior complex

Luis- either self image issues or god complex

Averman- funny man complex (something I made up -i think- where it's someone trying to cover up their faults through humor)

Guy- also daddy issues

Russ- somehow has both a god complex and an inferiority complex

Ken- little man complex

Dwayne- older sibling issues (Google those exact words and hopefully you get what I mean)

Goldberg- little big man syndrome (look it up)

Connie- mommy issues

Julie- savior complex (from having to carry her team on her back)

**Hopefully this will make sense to future,  more brain coherent me**

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