-What Dating Dwayne is Like-

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-Side hugs normally, but if he is excited or really happy about something, he will bear hug you

-You steal his hats a lot (he doesn't mind, because he has a bunch of hats)

-Talks about his family (he doesn't do that with anyone else)

-Learns how to play your favorite songs on the guitar

-Puts his chin on the top of your head

-Calls you the silliest names just to see you blush

-Blushes when you retaliate with silly nicknames as well

-Teaches you Southern slang

-Takes you out on picnic dates

-Loves watching disney movies with you

-Learns how to bake with you

-Compliments you on everything

-Asks you questions all the time, even easy one's, just so he can hear you talk

-Texts you at least once every hour

(Next up is Goldberg)

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