-What Their Special Gift Would be in Encanto-

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Charlie: Magnetism. If he thinks of something and extends his arm, that thing -no matter where it is- will end up in his hand. After he perfects his gift, he will be able to use his gift to bring people to him.

Adam: Fixy hands. Basically anything broken that he touches will fix itself automatically. Adam is in a sense like Fix-It-Felix Jr. 

Jesse: Sonic scream. Whenever he screams, a blast of energy will escape from his mouth that looks like soundwaves. The intensity of the blast will depend on his mood.

Dean: Super precision: Whenever he aims at something in any situation, he will hit his target no matter what. (Like Diego in TUA)

Fulton: Shrinking and growing: He can grow and shrink to any size imaginable. One he gets really good at his gift, he would be able to grow/shrink other people if he has a hold of them (holding hand/arm or something)

Luis: Super speed. He can run as fast as the speed of sound and light.

Averman: Voice manipulation. He can change his voice to sound exactly like another person's. 

Guy: Sleepy hands. If he touches someone's forehead, they will instantly fall asleep for at least a few hours (depends on how tired the person is)

Russ: Mind reading. If he looks at someone for a few seconds, he can read their mind.

Ken: Frozen hands. He can create snow/ice from his hands. (He's basically Elsa)

Dwayne: Stretch limbs. He can stretch his limbs to the extreme.

Goldberg: Stopping time. At the snap of his fingers, time will stop. As he gets better at his gift, he will be able to have other people be "awake" while time is stopped.

Connie: Authority. If she says her special phrase "I heard that" and some command, that person will do the command even if they don't want to. (Like Allison in TUA)

Julie: Extra reflexes. She has very strong reflexes, like a cat. **wink wink**

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