-The Ducks at The FNAF Movie-

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***Possible spoilers for the FNAF movie***

Charlie- Paid for the tickets and was buddied up with Adam the whole time creating different theories. 

Adam- Buddied up with Charlie and freaked the hell out when Matpat showed up on screen. 

Jesse- Acted like he didn't care, but was internally screaming in excitement the whole time.

Dean- Only ever watched the Game Theories about FNAF, so he asked Fulton questions the whole time.

Fulton- Played all the games and had to answer all of Dean's questions before, during, and after the movie. 

Luis- Had a bi-awakening when Josh Hutcherson appeared on screen.  

Averman- Cracked a "was that the bite of '87?!" joke and made the whole theater laugh... except for the Ducks (they all rolled their eyes). 

Guy- He's watched Fulton and Connie play the games before, but he's never really understood the plot (he still doesn't understand it). 

Russ- Was super cocky about "totally knowing what was going to happen" but by the end, he was dumbfounded and left with his jaw on the floor. 

Ken- Was the only one who read the books, so every time there was a reference to the books he would whisper to Dwayne, "That was in the books!"

Dwayne- Has some unknown beef with the FNAF series, so he basically hate-watched the movie (Everyone thinks the reason is because the animatronics scare the shit out of him). 

Goldberg- Went on a rant on the way to the theaters, so Charlie shut him up by giving him the most snacks. 

Connie- Made a sarcastic theory about the ending and was scarily accurate to the actual ending.

Julie- Was the only one who knew absolutely nothing about the FNAF games so she was confused the whole time. 

**So... it's been a while since I've posted anything. I wish I had a reason for why I haven't posted, but this story kinda got pushed to the back of my mind. I'll try to post more but I can't promise anything**

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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