-Are They Clingy?-

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Charlie- He isn't as clingy as you'd think. The only time he is clingy when he hasn't seen you in a few days. 

Adam- He is pretty independent, so he doesn't really get clingy. Adam understands that you are a busy person and that he is not always going to have your attention.  

Jesse- When you guys are with a group of people, he isn't clingy, but when you are alone, he is clingy af. 

Dean- Dean isn't clingy, unless he is jealous of a guy that is talking to you. 

Fulton- Fulton gives you your space sometimes, but he is clingy when he is emotional. (positive and negative)

Luis- He tries to act tough and not clingy, but you know deep down he is a clingy baby. 

Averman- He is like 50% clingy. *I don't know what else to say really*

Guy- He is pretty clingy. He always want you guys to be near each other when you are in public and sometimes needs you to reassure him. 

Russ- He isn't really clingy. He doesn't need to always be near you, because he knows he's your's. 

Ken- He is pretty clingy. He needs to feel valid in your relationship and asks you things like, "Do you still like me?" "Am I enough?" You always reassure him though. 

Dwayne- Dwayne isn't always the clingy type, but when he does get clingy, he is an adorable cinnamon bun. 

Goldberg- Goldberg wants to be clingy, but thinks he would be embarrassing if he was clingy. 

Connie- She is pretty clingy at night in your dorm, but other than that, she's pretty normal. 

Julie- She is very understanding about your life, but she is still pretty clingy at times.

*I don't know if this makes sense or not.* 

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