-What Their Voicemail Thing Would be-

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Charlie- "Hi, you've reached Charlie Conway of the Mighty Ducks! Leave a message and I will get back to you asap!" 

Adam- "Hello, this is Adam Banks. I'm probably not at the phone right now, so just leave a voicemail please." 

Jesse- "Helloooo It's Jesse! If you are not my girlfriend, then I will get back to you in 1-3 business days, but if you are my girlfriend, then I will call as soon as possible."

Dean- "It's Dean, I probably won't listen to anything you say after the beep, but I mean give it a shot." 

Fulton- "Um Hi, I'm Fulton... 'hey y/n am I doing this right? Oh.. oh okay.' Leave a message after the beep. 'when is the beep suppose to sou-" 

Luis- "Hiya, it's Luis! I'm probably out right now with my girlfriend 'wink wink' so I will get back to you eventually."

Averman- "Okay okay, how does a lobster answer the phone? Shello! hahahaha, I am a comedy genius. One more one more, How do you tell if a bee is on the phone? You get a buzzy signal! Oh and it's Averma-"

Guy- "Um, hi, I'm Guy Germaine and you have reached Guy Germaine's phone. I will give you a call back as soon as possible." 

Russ- "Hey there, I'm Russ Tyler, the creator of the infamous knuckle-puck! I didn't answer, probably for a reason, so leave a voicemail or don't."

Ken- "Hi, my name is Ken, but you can call me Kenny. I'm not at the phone right now, but I hope I can call you back."

Dwayne-"Howdy there! It's Dwayne! I'm probably riding a horse or playing hockey, but I will try to get back to you!"

Goldberg- "Hello, it's Goldberg. This isn't the diner's number, so you can't order, anyway I will call you back."

Connie- Hey there, It's Connie Moreau, I'll call ya back asap!

Julie- Hello, It's Julie 'the cat' Gaffney!! Send me your message after the beat!

**So as you can see, it isn't June 17th like I said when I would be back, but school slowed down a lot quicker than I thought and I was able to write a lot of chapters, so here they are.**

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