-They're a 10, But....

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Charlie- They're a 9, but they're afraid of change

Adam- They're an 8, but is touch starved

Jesse- They're a 6, but they have anger issues

Dean- They're a 10, but runs away from his problems when change happens

Fulton- They're a 9, but only makes it 1 out of 5 times

Luis- They're a 10, but a man-whore 

Averman- They're a 7, but makes the worst jokes

Guy- They're an 8, but still thinks about his ex

Russ- They're a 7, but cocky as hell 

Ken- They're an 8, but can't think of good comebacks

Dwayne- They're a 9, but you can't understand them 80% of them time because of his accent

Goldberg- They're a 5, but his family owns a restaurant 

Connie- They're an 8, but holds a grudge 

Julie- They're a 9, but doesn't always stand up for themself. 

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