-The Valentine Gift They Give You-

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Charlie- Classic bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate

Adam- A heart necklace 

Jesse- A nice card and a dinner date

Dean- His body ;)  JK, he'd give you a huge teddy bear

Fulton- Your favorite flowers and a bracelet

Luis- Make up and nail polish

Averman- A card that is full of jokes and a single daisy (wouldn't that be adorable!)

Guy- He'd give you the whole day. He would spend the whole day with you doing whatever you want

Russ- A little teddy bear and chocolate

Ken- Pink flowers and a charm bracelet

Dwayne- A horse stuffed animal and a picnic

Goldberg- Lunch date at his family's diner and a homemade bracelet

Connie- Your favorite foods and a new stuffed animal 

Julie- A bouquet of your favorite flowers and a few new flower crowns she made

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