-Them During a Food Fight-

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*I don't remember if someone already did this concept before, so if I am copying on accident, then I will come back and credit the person*

Charlie- Throws stuff directly at varsity and makes it known. 

Adam- His reflexes help him not get hit and he his pretty good with a spoon catapult. 

Jesse- Gets annoyed and launches a whole tray and someone.

Dean- Tries to protect you the whole time. 

Fulton- Doesn't really pay attention to the fight. He just wants to eat. 

Luis- Turns on his friends and starts throwing mashed potatoes at them. 

Averman- Narrates the whole thing while hiding on the table.

Guy- Tries to throw something at a varsity player, but it accidentally hits Connie. 

Russ- He doesn't throw stuff at other's unless he gets hit.

Ken- Wants to participate, but is kinda nervous about it. 

Dwayne- He gets so into it, he stands on a whole ass table. 

Goldberg- Gets annoyed at Averman, so he throws stuff at him under the table. 

Connie- Betrays you and throws food at you.

Julie- Doesn't really throw food often, but is very good at ducking out of the way of projectiles.

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