-The Reason You Guys Broke up-

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*This was suggested by @dreenss* *I tried to tie this back to their toxic traits or what you guys would argue about, so it seemed like it made sense, so yep :)*

Charlie- You and Charlie were suppose to go on a date, but he blew you off last minute to play a hockey scrimmage with the ducks. He actually lied to you and said he had homework, so when you saw him and the ducks leaving the hockey rink, you went up and started yelling at him, because you were pissed. (rightfully so) You guys argued for a few minutes until you yelled and said that he cares about the ducks more than you so you will just stay out of his way. You walked away and didn't answer any of his calls and avoided him. 

Adam- You decided to wear a new dress to school and you were super excited to show Adam, because you thought that he would like it, but when you saw him and showed him the outfit, he had a worried look and told you you should change. You asked why and he said that he doesn't want other guys looking at you in this outfit, because it is kinda revealing. You said that it was fine, but he got defensive and said he didn't want his girlfriend walking around looking like a stripper. You were both shocked at his statement and you were very close to hitting him. He spoke up and said that this is getting too much and that you guys should break up for the time being. You said fine and was about to walk to class, but decided to leave him with a little reminder about what he did, soooooo you slapped his cheek. hard  and walked to class like the bad b you are.  

Jesse- Your friends have been pressuring you to breakup with Jesse, because he isn't the nicest to them, so when Jesse sat beside you at lunch one day, they tried to get you to break up with him by saying, "hey y/n, don't you have to talk to Jesse?" Once you caught on, you asked to be alone with him, so they left. Jesse asked you what is wrong. It took you a minute, but you finally said it. You said that you two should break up. He looked at you with shock, but didn't say anything. He just got up and walked away. You felt horrible, but thought it was the right thing. 

Dean- You were walking outside with your guy friend and you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You answer it and it's Dean. He is asking you where you are and you say you are with your friend. He asks who and you say the name of your guy friend and he immediately gets pissed. Dean starts angrily saying how you shouldn't be hanging with other guys, because you guys are dating. That starts an argument that ends with you breaking up with him and hanging up the phone. 

Fulton- Fulton came over to your house for what you thought was a date, but instead, Fulton hands you a note, kisses your cheek, and mumbles I'm sorry. You are very confused, so after he walks away, you close the door and go to your room to read the note. Once you get to your room, you close the door and open the note. "Dear y/n, I'm sorry, but we can't be together anymore. I love you." You drop the note to the ground and start tearing up. You couldn't believe Fulton was breaking up with you after all you have been through. 

Luis- You recently got Luis some new earrings you found at the mall and you were so excited that you went to his dorm to give it to him. When you walked in without knocking, you saw another girl sitting on Luis's bed and Luis was at his dresser putting something in the top drawer saying that she can't tell you about her being there. You yelled Luis's name and he whipped his head around and saw you standing in the in the doorway. He tried to say it wasn't what it looked like, but you didn't respond, you just said that you are done with his bull crap. You toss the earrings to him and walk away. 

Averman- You and Averman were on a break at work and you were trying to have a serious conversation about your relationship and where it was gonna go, but he wasn't being serious at all. He kept cracking jokes and avoiding your questions. You finally had it. You snapped and said that if he isn't going to take your relationship seriously then you guys shouldn't even be together. He looked at you in shock. He stood up and said fine. He left and ended his break early. The rest of your work day was awkward. Instead of you guys walking each other home, you both walked alone. 

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