-What Dating Fulton is Like-

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-Still gets flustered around you

-Forehead kisses!

-Switches between pancake hand holding and waffle hand holding (if you don't know what that means, look it up :))

-Sometimes even links pinkies with you

-Loves watching disney movies with you!

-Draws hearts on your hand <3

-Stands up for you when you are getting picked on

-Smiles widely when you kiss his cheek

-Gives you some kind of clothing when he comes over

-You make him feel heard

-Always makes sure you have eaten and drank something

-Likes giving you flowers he's found

-Study dates!

-Always has a first-aid on hand for when you get hurt

-Makes playlists for specific moments in your relationship (also probably has a wedding playlist already)

(Next up is Charlie)

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