-Random Headcanon I Have About Each Guy -

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Charlie- He has huge daddy issues and gets slightly jealous whenever he hears one of his friends talk about their dad. 

Adam- He is ambidextrous (He can write with both hands)

Jesse- He would be the DD (designated driver)

Dean- Actually smart, but plays dumb, because he doesn't want people to give him high expectations, because if people have high expectations for him, he will be scared that he will fail them. 

Fulton- He isn't the best at communicating with his words, but he is really good at expressing himself through writing. 

Luis- He is a man-whore, because he is very insecure about himself. 

Averman- Averman uses jokes to hide his true feelings about things. 

Guy- He is secretly polyamorous and is super nervous about people finding out.  

Russ- He didn't learn how to swim until he was 13 years old. 

Ken- Had a slight crush on Dwayne during the Junior Goodwill Games, but it didn't last very long after. 

Dwayne- Sometimes insecure about his accent, especially when people mock him for it, even if it's all fun and games. 

Goldberg- He invited all of his friends to his bar mitzvah and was super excited that they all showed up. 

Connie- Loves making playlists on spotify. 

Julie- Didn't really like Scooter, but dated him anyways.

*These were really fun to write.... maybe I should write more..* 

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