-Dog or Cat Person-

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Charlie- Dog 10000% 

Adam- Dog, but wouldn't mind a cat

Jesse- Dog. He hates cats

Dean- He loves all animals equally

Fulton- Cat. He needs a cute small animal in his life

Luis- Dog. Loves dogs.

Averman- Cat. He would make so many cat jokes.

Guy- Cat. Dogs are a little to much for him. 

Russ- He doesn't really like either.. He's just not an animal person. 

Ken- Cat 100%

Dwayne- He loves dogs, but would get you a cat. 

Goldberg- He doesn't like dogs, so he just says cat, even though he's never even had a cat. 

Connie- Cat all the way. The only dog she likes are Golden Retrievers. 

Julie- Dog. She's never liked cats and I also think she just gives off dog energy. 

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