-Sad Head-Cannons-

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Charlie- He had a fallout with Bombay in his adult years and became depressed. 

Adam- His brother stopped talking to him after he went to Eden Hall, because he was jealous that his younger brother was getting better opportunities. 

Jesse- His mom left without any warning and whenever Terry asks about her, he starts to cry. 

Dean- He didn't have the most supportive household in Chicago. 

Fulton- His parents are very controlling of him and hockey was his escape. 

Luis- Luis is very insecure about his masculinity, so he has become a man-whore because of it. 

Averman- Thinks that his friends don't genuinely like him and just put up with him. 

Guy- Didn't think that his friends would be supportive of his sexuality. 

Russ- Feels like he is in his brother's shadow. 

Ken- Very Very insecure about himself. 

Dwayne- Sometimes feels like an outcast in his friend group. 

Goldberg- Secretly cries himself to sleep when he has bad days. 

Connie- She has experienced a good amount of sexism while playing hockey.

Julie- During the events of MD2, she hated Bombay because she rarely put her in and didn't take her seriously.

**Well this made me sad....**

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