-When They Watch Newsies-

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*I am going off of the 1992 version, not the 2018 one :)*


-Didn't like it during his first watch

-Loved it during his second watch

-Stans Spot Conlon 

-Memorized the song "Seize The Day" and only seize the day

-Tried to learn the dance moves, but couldn't for the life of him


-Loved it during his first watch

-Stans Davey

-Wants to cosplay as him

-Memorizes "Once and For All" 

-Begs you to watch it every movie night you have


-Kinda liked it, but never really got attached

-Kinda mumbles the lyrics to various songs every now and then

-Only watches it because you like it 


-Swears on god that Mush is his twin brother

-jokingly swoons over Sara and when you slap him (on the arm), he engulfs you in a hug

-Wants you guys to be Newsies for Halloween

-Sings during the film and is actually pretty good


-Excited to watch it after you told him about it

-Now he wants a news cap

-Stans Jack Kelly

-Wants you guys to cosplay as Jack and Sara

-His favorite song is "King of New-York"

-Tries a New York accent (he's pretty bad at it)


-Is absolutely memorized while watching it

-Stans Racetrack 

-Cries during the sad scenes 

-Wants to try and do the dances with you, but you both fail


-Doesn't really understand the plot until you guys watch it again

-Laughs during the opening scene with the Delancy's 

-Makes weird New York jokes that make no sense

-His favorite characters are Les and Crutchie


-Loves this movie more than anything

-Tries to sing the songs, but he isn't the best at it. (just stick to hockey Guy)

-Stans Skittery 

-Wants to sell newspapers, but it never goes anywhere


-Has his own Russ commentary during the whole time (you have to shush him every few minutes)

-When you start simping for Jack, he gets jealous, but gets over it quickly

-Stans Boots, hates Jack

-Loves to badly sing "The World Will Know" 


-Absolutely in love with this movie

-When you talk to him during the movie, he will shush you, because he is so invested

-Gets emotional sometimes during the sad scenes

-He loves all the characters and can never pick a favorite


-He loves trying to do a New York accent. It's funny and cute because he is layering his southern accent with a New York accent.

-Loves comparing himself to Jack, because technically they are both 'cowboys'

-Learns how to play the songs on his guitar for you

-Sometimes falls asleep during the movie


-Jealous af

-Hates that you love this movie so much

-Secretly likes it, but never admits it

-When he is by himself, he tries to learn how to sing the songs to impress you


-You are both huge Sara simps

-It was your go-to movie when you were younger, so it is very nostalgic to you both

-Connie will quote the randomest parts of the movie

-Stans Crutchy (loves the underdogs)


-Definitely not her first choice in movies

-Doesn't really like the singing, but because you like it, she will grow to like it

-Actually likes the characters and their backstories

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