-What Dating Dean is Like-

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-PDA! He loves PDA, because he loves it when people know he's your boyfriend. 

-King of consent. He will always ask for consent, unless it is something small like a hand hold. 

-You would steal his bandanas and he would chase you around the school to get them back, but inevitably let you keep them. 

-Go to date is working out.

-Brags about you to his friends (mainly Fulton)

-Likes when you paint his nails for him (go to color is black)

-Protective af.

-Gets jealous easily in the beginning of the relationship, but after you grow older, he gets better. 

-Attacks you with kisses on the face

-Enjoys self-care days with you, but doesn't admit it

-You bring out his goofy side

-Already wants to marry you after a month

-Your personal hype man 

(next up is Fulton!)

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