-Do Their Parents Like You?-

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*I am pretty sure I saw this idea before, but I forgot who did it, so I can't really credit them, but if I figure it out, I'll edit it and credit them*

Charlie- Mom: His mom thinks that you are a good balance to Charlie and loves having you around. 

Adam- Dad: His dad has known you since you were a little kid, so he saw you as a daughter, so when you and Adam started dating, he was wary about it, but after seeing how happy Adam was with you, he accepted it. 

Jesse- Dad: His dad loves you. Plain and simple. He loves how nice you are to Terry. 

Dean- Mom: When his mom heard of you, she thought that you sounded amazing and was excited when she met you for the first time in person. Dad: His dad also loves you. He makes the joke that you are too good for Dean. 

Fulton- Mom + Dad: Both Fulton's parent's thought you were a bad influence, so they didn't accept you until they were made to realize that you were actually a really good influence for Fulton. After that, they grew to love you. 

Luis- Mom: Luis's mom didn't really like you that much. She thought that you weren't good enough for Luis. It took her a long time to even accept you.  Dad: Luis's dad was different than his mom. He loved you and kept trying to convince Luis's mom that you were amazing, but she didn't buy it. 

Averman- Dad: When Averman's dad heard of you, he knew that you and Averman would eventually date. He shipped you two before your friends did. *I have a head-cannon that Averman only lives with his dad*

Guy- Mom: Guy's mom cares a lot about Guy and was a little wary when she heard that he had a girlfriend. After you met her, she became more comfortable with you.  Dad: Guy's dad thinks you are a good fit for Guy. A nice balance.

Russ- Dad: When Russ talked about you to his dad, he thought you sounded like an amazing person. 

Ken- Mom: His mom was nervous about Ken having a girlfriend, but after she met you, she forgot all about those nerves and loved you.  Dad: Ken's dad loved you. He thought you were a nice fit for Ken. 

Dwayne- Mom: His mom hates you. She thinks you are too crazy for Dwayne and talks about you to Dwayne's dad. Dad: Dwayne's dad has more of a heart than his mom. He thinks you are actually a very smart and kind person. 

Goldberg- Mom: Goldberg's mom LOVES you. She teaches you how to cook different things and loves when you go to the diner. Dad: Goldberg's dad is wary of you, but doesn't really talk about his concerns. 

Connie- Mom: Connie's mom has known you since birth, so she loves you, but when she found out you two were dating, she was hesitant, but grew to accept the relationship. Dad: Again, known you since birth, so he loves you, but he was much quicker in accepting you and Connie's relationship. 

Julie-  Dad: You haven't spoken to her dad much, but when you do, he is very kind to you. 

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