-Would They Cheat?-

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Charlie- Not purposefully, something would happen and be taken out of context. 

Adam- He wouldn't even get too close to another girl that isn't his mom. 

Jesse- If you pissed him off, he would think of it, but inevitably choose against it. 

Dean- Only if you did first or if he thought you did. 

Fulton- No. He is too sweet for that. 

Luis- Yes. Unless he truly loved you, he would cheat.

 Averman- No, he is too nervous to even think of cheating. 

Guy- I don't think he would. He wouldn't even think of it. 

Russ- He would think about every now and then, but never go through with it. 

Ken- No. Just no. 

Dwayne- I don't think so. I don't think he would even really know what counts as cheating. He would think even looking at another girl would count as cheating. 

Goldberg- Maybe. It just really depends on his mood. 

Connie- Absolutely not! She loves you to much to stoop that low. 

Julie- No. You are too special to be cheated on. 

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