-How They Act When They Have a Crush on You-

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Charlie- Thinks about you during class all the time. Sneaks glances towards you when you guys are in the same room. He will get you to come to his hockey games to watch. (He secretly wants you to watch him specifically) Sits with you on the bus and starts conversations. Flirts with you a little, but doesn't get too far with it. He tries to convince you to let him teach you how to skate. 

Adam- Gets you little gifts every know and then. Blushes whenever you laugh. Is a little nervous around you, but Charlie helps him get more confident when he is around you. Tries his best to make you smile when you are upset. Protective of you, but knows you can handle yourself sometimes. When you ask him to hang out, he has a mini heart attack, but is over-all excited. 

Jesse- He thinks he is confident around you, but in reality, he is actually really nervous. He always tries to make you laugh and make you feel better when you are down. Always does his best to try and impress you. Stands up for you when you are getting picked on by guys at your school. 

Dean- Everyone knows about his crush on you, even you. He flirts with you all the time. Compliments your outfits, hair, eyes, everything. He wants you to know how much he likes you. Very protective over you. Practically your un-official boyfriend. Always jealous when any guy stares at you or talks to you.

Fulton- sneaks glances at you in class or when you pass him in the street. Is happy to see you, even if it is just a wave or a simple hi. Talks about you to Dean. *Dean is totally his hype man* If he sees someone being mean to you, he will say something to the person, but if they are still a jerk to you, he will get physical. 

Luis-  Total flirt, just like Dean. Doesn't get jealous, because he thinks, no, he KNOWS he is better than all the other guys that flirt with you. (yes a lot of guys flirt with you... you are a bad b) Puts his arm around your shoulder when you are sitting together. Asks to make-out at least twice a week. 

Averman- A little nervous, but makes jokes to cover his nervousness up. He loves it when you laugh at his jokes, even if they aren't that funny. Lets you call him Les. Asks you to go to his hockey games all the time. Blushes whenever he sees you cheer for him at hockey games.

Guy- Tries to impress you all the time. Is a little bit of a show-boat, but his heart is in the right place. You guys bicker a lot, but you both know it is all fun and games. He will always try to take funny candid photos of you. Whenever you hype him up, he blushes as red as a tomato. He also blushes when you jokingly play with his hair. 

Russ- Happy whenever you watch him play street hockey. You are like his mom  60% of the time. You keep him out of trouble. He sorta flirts with you, but isn't really good at it, which makes you laugh. You both stand up for each other. You are the only person he's every tried to teach the knuckle-puck to. 

Ken- He is super shy around you. He wants to stand up for you, but just can't sometimes. Ken is super grateful that you stand up for him. Blushes whenever you smile and whenever you touch him in any way. (get your mind out of the gutter) He buys you snacks after school in exchange of you buying him lunch when it gets stolen. 

Dwayne- He is actually pretty normal around you, but he is giddy when he talks about you to his friends. Loves talking to you about his family. You are one of the only people he really talks to about his family. Very respectful. He is also very protective of you, especially when you get teased. Gives you bear hugs. Lets you wear his hat. 

Goldberg- He acts like he hates you, because he can be pretty insecure about his feelings. Gives you food during lunch. He will throw food at you and it will become an all out food fight. Doesn't blush often, but when he does, it's because of something you do. Gives you free food from his parent's diner. He will convince you to learn how to bake with him. 

Connie- Talks about you to Julie and Guy and they think it's hilarious. She is very attentive when it comes to your appearance. She is the first one to notice if you do something different to yourself. Still blushes whenever you hug. Looks at you from across the room. Smiles whenever you laugh at her jokes or remarks to Averman. 

Julie- Gives you flowers, but plays it off as "wanting to show you new flower types" Has dreams about you sometimes. Learns how to make flower crowns so she can make one for you. Super super nice around you. Doesn't make fun of you the way she does with her friends. Teaches you special signals that only the two of you know. 

*I feel like Goldberg's is a little weak, but I don't really know how to write for him too much*

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