-Things I Think Would've Made Mighty Ducks 2 Better-

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**Now because I did one for MD3, I will do one for the second movie and the reboot (once the rest of the episodes come out) I won't do it for the first movie, because I don't think really anything could've made it better, it was really good and also remember, this is MY opinion and you do not need to agree with me.**

1. No Ms.Mckay teaching. I still don't understand why there was even classes being held during the Junior Goodwill Games (JGG) because it was during the summer. I think they could've just had Ms.Mckay be another adult to keep the kids from committing arson or something. They didn't need to make her a teacher. It just doesn't make sense. 

2. Not so much USA apparel. Okay, okay, I know it is Team USA and they were being sponsored by Hendrix, but why did they have to wear clothing related to the USA flag. Most of the clothes looked so ugly and made me cringe, like the long sleeve shirt with stars on the side. It was just SO ugly. I know they were normal clothes sometimes, but mostly they were wearing USA related clothing. They could've just had the USA clothing be for press conferences and practices, not for almost every day of the tournament. 

3. More Julie content. We saw very little play time of Julie, because she was only put in during the last part of the face off in the championship game. Bombay should've realized earlier in the movie that Julie was an amazing goalie and should've been put in more. I get it, because Bombay was biased towards Goldberg, because Bombay coached Goldberg for a while before even meeting Julie. I personally think Julie should've been put in during the game against Russia, but whatever. 

4. No weird one off Iceland romance. The weird one time romance between Bombay and the iceland lady was dumb. It did move the plot along, but it was weird. I think that the iceland lady was trying to be a spy or something, but they didn't say anything about it, so I guess not?

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