-Inside Joke You Have-

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Charlie- One time while Charlie was really tired, he told you that he wants to be ginger, but he doesn't wanna look like a carrot top. Needless to say, you laughed your ass off, so now when you call him carrot-top only you and him crack up and the rest of the ducks have no idea what you are talking about. 

Adam- One night you were playing pictionary and you had to draw 'camping' and you only drew a few lines when he guessed camping in a questionable tone. You then yelled CAMPING! You both cheered because of the amazing guess of camping. Now sometimes you just yell camping at each other. 

Jesse- Because you guys play monopoly together and because Jesse is a cheater and steals money, so you call him a bank robber and the rest of the ducks get super confused. 

Dean- Nobody else knows that Dean doesn't like thunderstorms, so you call him weather man as a joke, because he talks about how he wishes he could control the weather, so there could never be thunderstorms. 

Fulton- Because you cheer for Fulton all the time, he made the joke that you should buy some pom poms. You took that joke seriously and bought pom poms, now you walk around with pom poms in your backpack to use whenever you need to cheer for Fulton. None of the Ducks really understand why you have them. 

Luis- There was a rumor that went around that Luis had side chicks (it was fake) and obviously you and Luis knew they were fake, so you made the rumor into an inside joke. The inside joke is that you say you are Luis's main chick and that the side chicks could never. You guys don't really say it in front of people, because you don't want another rumor to start because of the joke. 

Averman- During a study date with Averman, he kept making duck lips, which distracted you, but made you laugh. At the end of the date, you kissed him, but with extreme duck lips. Now, when you want to make the other person laugh, you guys kiss each other with extreme duck lips. 

Guy- One day while you were with Guy doing homework, he accidentally wrote that 5 times 4 was 9. You called it a blonde moment. Now whenever either of you make a dumb mistake, the other never misses a beat and calls it a dumb moment. 

Russ- Just whenever you and Russ roast each other is an inside joke. Nobody else really understands what you say. 

Ken- While you guys were studying geography, Ken kept laughing when you talked about virginians. (I hope you know why) Now whenever you both hear the word virginians, you both laugh. 

Dwayne- You and Dwayne were eating watermelon together, he swallowed a seed. You said that he was going to grow a watermelon in his stomach. He didn't know it was a joke and took it literally. He freaked out and it took you half an hour to calm him down, now whenever watermelons are brought up, Dwayne grabs his stomach and you ask Dwayne if the watermelon is okay. None of the other Ducks understand. 

Goldberg- When you play your food game that was previously mentioned, he is much better than you at it, so he calls himself the combo master. You just go along with it because it's funny. Now he just calls himself the combo master out of nowhere.

Connie- One day in your dorm, you slipped and fell on your ass on the dorm floor. Connie laughed her butt off and called you grandma, because of your clumsy moment, so whenever either of you are about to do something where you might slip, you call the person grandma. 

Julie- Because you both love flowers, sometimes you throw a flower at the other and yell "flower power!!" 

*So I ran out of some inside jokes, so for two of these, they are inside jokes I have with either friends or family.*

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