-When They Want Attention-

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Charlie- You guys are sitting beside each other and he will start playing with a loose strand of your hair. He will start calling you baby over and over again. "Baby, baby, baby, baby, y/n?" When you finally look towards him he gives you a cheeky smile. "You know, I haven't gotten any attention in like 5 minutes...." "Charlie. I'm reading something." After you tell him he starts pouting until you close your book. "Fine... come here." His face lights up and lays his head down on your lap and you start playing with his hair.  *Okay.... this is so cute!*

Adam- You would be in the library studying and see Adam sit down beside you. "Hey Banksie, what's up?" You close your book and look towards Adam. He looks kinda nervous. "Well... I was wondering if you could maybe come to my dorm and... idk.... cuddle or something." He starts rubbing the back of his neck. Adam is usually pretty nervous whenever he asks you these kinds of things. "Well. Adam, I'm studying..." Adam stands up. "Oh.. that's fine. I'll go then." You see that Adam looks sad, so you get up and grab his hand. "Studying can wait." He smiles sweetly and you go to his dorm to cuddle and watch a movie. *My head-cannon is that he is a nervous bean when he wants attention*

Jesse- You guys are both studying for a test and he gets bored easily. He stopped studying entirely and was just looking at you. (You were still reading the text-book) He gets the bright idea to make a paper air-plane and throw it at you. It hits you square in the forehead. You look up at glare at Jesse. "Jesse, have you been even reading the text-book?" He proudly shakes his head no. "Sorry Babe, but studying is boring." You roll your eyes and laugh. "Do you just wanna go to the park?" He quickly gets up and grabs your hand. "Let's go!" He pulls you up from the ground and drags you out of your house. *Maybe this isn't amazing, but it's kinda cute.*

Dean- You were in the Cafe eating lunch with some of your friends, when Dean went up to you and grabbed your hand. "Oh. Hey Dean." He didn't say anything. He just pulled you up from your seat and led you out of the Cafe. "Dean! What the heck." He lets go of you and faces towards you. "I am your boyfriend, right?" You nod. "I haven't gotten any kind of love for like 2 hours!" You laugh. "So you just want attention then?" He nods slightly. "Okay, let's go." You go on your tip-toes and give him and quick peck and you guys go towards the dorms to hang out. 

Fulton- You were at your dorm finishing some homework when you here a knock on the door. "Come in!" You say, your eyes still glued on your paper. You hear the door open and footsteps towards you. "Who is it?" You ask, your eyes still glued to your paper. There isn't really a voice. You just feel hands rest on your shoulder. "Oh, hi Fulton." He always puts his hands on your shoulders when he's standing behind you. "Hi y/n." You turn and give him a quick peck on the lips. "You know my perfect girlfriend.... we haven't really seen each other all day....." Fulton says in a soft voice near your ear. "Are you trying to imply that you miss me Mr.Bash brother?" You say in a smirk and he blushes. "Maybe.... and maybe I also want so attention from my perfect girlfriend." You get up from your chair and give him a hug. "Of course you can have some attention." You say with your face buried in his chest. *Okay.... this is freaking adorable*

Luis- You and Luis were walking beside each other in the hallways. You didn't know this, but he's been looking at you the whole time. He finally comes up with a clever way to get your attention. He starts aggressively poking your arm. "What the heck Luis? Stop poking my arm." You swat his hand away. After a few seconds he starts poking you again. "Luis, I swear." You swat his hand away again. Then he grabs your arms, stops you in the hallway, and kisses you passionately. When he pulls away from you, you are dumb-founded. "Now that I have your attention Mrs.Mendoza....." He starts talking and walking like nothing happened. You just walked beside him silently to your next class. 

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