-Hogwarts House-

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Charlie- Gryffindor with Slytherin tendencies

Adam- This is a tough one, but I think he is Ravenclaw or even Hufflepuff

Jesse- Gryffindor 100%

Dean- Slytherin

Fulton- This might seem weird, but I see Fulton as a Hufflepuff, but with Slytherin tendencies.

Luis- Luis stumps me. I honestly don't know what house he is.... maybe Hufflepuff? Maybe not.

Averman- 10000000% Hufflepuff.

Guy- Hufflepuff with some slight Ravenclaw tendencies.

Russ- Gryffindor. I don't think this needs much explanation.

Ken- Hufflepuff! Imagine him wearing the Hufflepuff robes!

Dwayne- Hufflepuff with Gryffindor tendencies.

Goldberg- This one stumps me to. Maybe Gryffindor?

Connie- Gryffindor with Hufflepuff tendencies. 

Julie- An even mix of Ravenclaw and Slytherin. 

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