-How You Get Back Together-

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*This was suggested by @dreenss* *This is the part 2 to the chapter "how you broke up"* 

Charlie- It has been about 2 days since the whole breakup and fight you and Charlie had. You guys have both been avoiding each other, not wanting to really talk about the situation. Charlie finally had enough of this and decided to go to your dorm to apologize and try to get you back. The whole walk to your dorm, he was thinking about how he was going to get you back. Once he got to your dorm, he knocked and heard some shuffles from the other side of the door. "One sec!" When he heard your voice, he realized that he majorly screwed up. You opened the door and was about to close it again, but Charlie's hand stopped you. "y/n, wait a second, I want to talk to you." "Fine. just come in, but don't touch anything." You make room for Charlie to walk in. He walks in and stands on your side of the dorm. He looked around for a sec and noticed that you took down some of the pictures of him. "So, y/n. I wanted to talk to you." "About what? What else did you lie about Charlie?" You sat at your desk facing away from Charlie. "I just wanted to tell you that I am really, really sorry about the other day, I can't believe I lied." You were silent for a few moments, but then decided to speak up. "Charlie..." You get up from your chair and face him. "I need some time. When I am ready to forgive you, then I will come to you, okay?" You say in a soft tone. "Okay y/n." He says disappointedly. He walks out of your dorm and shuts the door behind him. It took a few weeks, but you eventually forgave him, but never forgot about it. 

Adam- It's been a few weeks and Adam has been trying to talk to you, but you kept avoiding him. He hurt your feelings by saying what he said and you didn't want to talk to him. He finally caught you outside. "y/n!" You stop and turn around. "What? Am I still dressed as a stripper?" You give him a dirty look and he rubs the back of his neck. "About that.... I just wanted to apologize about what I said, I was just really upset because I didn't want any guys to look at you that way." You both stand in silence on the sidewalk until you clear your throat. "I will only forgive you if you promise me one thing." "Anything for you." "You need to promise me that you will never, ever call me a stripper ever, and that you will never ever ever control what I wear. If you are nervous that a guy will check me out, make it known that I am your girlfriend, okay?" Adam nods. "Of course y/n." He leans in and kisses you. "I'll see you at dinner then?" "Okay Banksie." Even though you forgave him in the moment, you were still weary about that situation ever sense. *I feel like this is kinda weak*

Jesse- It has only been a few hours sense you broke up with Jesse at lunch. You were in your dorm looking at a polaroid of you and Jesse. You felt bad about what you did, Jesse didn't deserve it. "Maybe I should try to talk to him... no y/n he doesn't deserve it, you were horrible to him." While you were arguing with yourself, you hear a knock on the door. "One second!" You flipped the picture over and went to the door. You opened it and saw Jesse standing right there out of breath. "Jesse? What are you doing here? Why are you out of breath?" "I just ran here all the way from outside... *huff* I overheard your friends talking about how they couldn't believe they actually *huff* convinced you to break up with me... *huff* Is that true?" You nod slightly looking at your socks. "I'm really sorry Jesse. They kept pestering me about it, because you aren't really nice to them, but I guess they aren't that nice either." You grab his hands and look him in the eyes. "Jesse... will you take me back? I promise I'll drop those girls... they aren't worth it if I can't be with you." Jesse chuckles and kisses your cheek. "Of course I will take you back y/n." 

Dean- Ever since you broke up with Dean, you avoided the ducks at all cost. Dean tried to talk to you every now and then, but you wouldn't give him the time of day. After a few months, he stopped trying to talk to you. He would sent you little notes apologizing, but you were still a little angry, so you never responded. A few months went to a year. You were now older and have forgave Dean, but you thought you were too late. One day you were in your dorm and saw a note slip under the door. "What is this? Dean hasn't sent me a note in weeks." You walked over to the note and picked it up. "Meet me at the hockey rink at 8pm."  "Okay... weird.. yet intriguing." You said to yourself. You went to your bed and set the note on the nightstand. You spent the next hour before dinner just walking around your room trying to think about what is going to happen later tonight. It was about 5:30 when you went to dinner. You sat down with your roommate and ate. While you were eating, your eyes wondered over to the Ducks table, where all the ducks were. "y/n.... are you looking at Dean again?" You snapped your head to your roommate who was sitting across from you. "What... no... well.. maybe..." You sat back in your chair in defeat. "Mary (name of roommate), I want to talk to him... but I feel like it's not my place anymore." You looked at your roommate who rolled their eyes and laughed. "Y/n. This is sad to watch, you need to talk to him. It's not too late.. I bet he still likes you.. no... loves you." "Thanks Mary." You check your watch and see that it is now 6:15. "Hey.. I'm gonna go now.. see you back at the dorm." You wave to your roommate and walk out of the cafeteria back to your dorm. It was around 7:30 and you decided to leave to go to the hockey rink, so you sneakily left your dorm while your roommate was in the shower. When you got to the hockey rink, you saw Charlie standing outside leaning against the door. "Charlie? Are you the one who told me to meet you here?" He shook his head. "Nope, but here.. I'll open the door for you." He opened the door to the hockey rink and motioned for me to walk in. I walked in and he shut and locked the door. "What? Charlie! Open the door!" He was already gone. "Well.. this is creepy." You say to yourself. You tap your feet for a few moments until you look down and notice that there is another note. "JV locker room." You did what the note said and walked to the JV locker room. When you opened the door, you saw Dean standing at the end by the cork board holding y/f/f. (your favorite flower) He was also wearing the only tux he's ever owned. "Hi, y/n. I see you got my note." Dean says. "Dean... what is this?" You ask as you walk over to him. You are now only a few feet away from him looking him up and down. "This is my way of apologizing to you." He hands you the flower and keeps talking. "y/n. What I did was not okay at all. I shouldn't have blown up like that and I know that it was a year ago, but I still think about it every single day. I wish I could've gotten you back sooner, but I thought that you weren't going to take me back and if you don't want to that's fine-" Dean was cut off by you kissing him. You guys kiss for a few moments until you pull away and smile. "I forgive you Dean."  *Jeez this was super long. You're welcome Dean lovers*

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